New Death Knight of Krieg Bits From Taro Modelmaker!

death knight of kreig feature rIf you want your knights to look the part, you have to pick up all the new Death Knight of Krieg Bits from Taro Modelmaker!

The hobby maniacs at Taro Modelmaker have some really amazing bits to upgrade all kinds of minis. If you’ve been looking for a way to set apart any of your Imperial Knights, you have to check them out! This week they are focusing on making your Knights just as savage as your infantry.

They even have a giant shovel, so they can actually do something in melee. This is a great way to get your army ready for all those crazy Guardsmen. 

Every bit we’ve ever received from them has been super high-quality and fit extremely well, so we expect these are no different. Also, if you need Knight bits, they have so much amazing stuff! Just to note, they have all these in Armiger Size as well, but we’re focusing on the bigger bits in this post. Let’s check out all the new Knight bits.

Death Knight of Krieg Entrenching Shovel: £9.50

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death knight of kreig 3What is there not to love about this? Your Knights will finally have their favorite weaponry and they will perform so much better because of it! If you love what Taro is up to, check out what else they’ve been making.

Death Knight of Krieg Entrenching Shovel is the bigger and badder brother designed for the Imperial knight kit. Supplied in two parts that easily snap together to create a swivelling head, allowing this to be used as a knight sized shovel or swivelled into a deadly pick. Shovel measures 150mm in length.

Death Knight of Krieg Head: £7.50

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death knight of kreig 5Death knight of Krieg head adds a whole new era of possibility to the imperial knight kit. Those boys at the front line will be rearing to go when they see this marching over the horizon.

Imperial Knight Replacement Weapons Head: £7.50

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death knight of kreig 6Imperial knight replacement weapons head is exactly as ridiculous as it deserves to be. Sold as a blank base head with two weapon packs (sold separately) to provide a huge array of options. Choose between the “shoot your mouth off” pack with four gun options, or the “in your face” set of three combat options.

That does it for this one, now go make your Knights look the part!

Get Your Death Knight of Krieg Bits Here!