New Stormcast Eternals AoS Warscroll Rules SPOTTED!

By Andrew Schrank | September 9th, 2021 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Stormcast, Warhammer 40k Rumors

aos-stormcasts-rules-3.0 titleDon’t miss the new Stormcast Eternal AoS Battletome Warscroll rules that were spotted for the new edition!

We knew that the Stormcast has been on deck release along with Orruks ever since the 3.0 starter box dropped. Now with these rules being spotted, and the full battle tomes are right around the corner it’s an exciting time for Age of Sigmar. Let’s check out the datasheets and compare them to the current ones.

Each of these was spotted online via various forums just like this one.

New Sequitors AoS Datasheet

New Bonuses: 

    • All weapons are now -1 rend

    What we don’t know:

    • Squad Special rules?
    • Army synergies?

    Overall, as a troop choice points matter a ton. Assuming they stay where they were, they may come out as much better options than before as slight changes can make a huge difference if your list runs a lot of the same model.

    New Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows AoS Datasheet

    New Bonuses: 

      • Longstrike Crossbow got +6″ range
      • Longstrike Crossbow got +1 attack,
      • Hit and Wound flipped to 3+ / 2+ (instead of 2+/3+) with -2 rend and 2 damage a pop.

      What we don’t know:

      • Squad Special rules?
      • Army synergies?

      Overall, this is a massive buff to the bigger ranged option. This pretty much makes it the uncontested better option as far as this model options are concerned. Luckily we also have the smaller variant to look at…

      New Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows AoS Datasheet

      New Bonuses: 

        • Hurricane Crossbow got -2 attacks
        • Hurricane Crossbow hits and wounds on 3+ for both

        What we don’t know:

        • Squad Special rules?
        • Army synergies?

        Overall, this is an okay buff to the smaller ranged option. This was a pretty poor option before, and this slight buff doesn’t really seem like enough to make it better than the larger crossbow for the squad. Buffs are definitely nice for this option, this just doesn’t seem like enough.

        New Celestar Ballista AoS Datasheet

        New Bonuses: 

          • Single-shot gained +1 to wound roll (was 3+, now 2+)
          • Single-shot gained one rend (was -2, now -3)
          • Single-shot dmg is now 1d6 instead of 1d6hits (not just 1 shot)
          • Multishot gained +1 to hit
          • Multishot went from 4 shots to 2d6
          • The squad got +2 wounds (was 7, now 9)

          What we don’t know:

          • Squad Special rules?
          • Army synergies?

          Overall, this is a massive buff. Good ranged options are hard to come by, but this one seems to take its cake and eat it too. Assuming this doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to run, these will be absolute ranged powerhouses and see just as much play as last edition!

          All 17 New Releases Announced for Stormcasts & Kruleboyz

          What rules changes do you want to see from the new Stormcast Eternals? Are these just free buffs? Are they reasonable?

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