Our Favorite 40k Army Lists For The London GT Invitational

LGT 2019The London GT Invitational is coming up fast with some pretty sweet Warhammer 40k army lists fighting for the top!

The Invitational tournament is coming up fast and features 8 very competitive players and lists! Check out our two favorites of all the armies.

Our Favorite 40k Army Lists For The London GT Invitational

Thanks to the guys and gals over at LGT for sending us the lists that were submitted ahead of the big event! Now we are able to look at the event as if we were there ourselves.

If you are into predicting, you can also check out a prediction bracket they’ve prepared here! Now let’s check out two of the lists!

Steven Pardo – Tyranids

Tyranid Carnifex Wal Hor


Steven starts off strong with Hive Fleet Kraken, which is widely considered the best hive fleet hands down for Tyranids currently. Similarly, one of the best HQ choices is also Broodlords, of which Steven went with 2. They are very point efficient and can deal quite a bit of damage if they get into melee combat.

However, a large amount of its power comes in its aura. Unlike most modern lords, they don’t provide re-rolls, it actually has a +1 to hit aura for Genestealers, which is great!

Of course, with those +1 to hit auras, you’ll want Genestealers to benefit from it and Steven went for 6 squads and a total of 91! This balances some mobility with different squads going different directions, but also a huge amount of bodies and volume of attack when they inevitably get into melee.

Next up there are 5 Hive Guard with Impalers for some anti-armor shots that can be shot at units even without line-of-sight.

Finally rounding out the list are 2 Exocrines for a few extra anti-armor shots on a relatively beefy body and the potential for double shots when they dont move.

Alun Perkins – Adeptus Custodes

adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k wal hor


Alun decided to go for a battalion of Shadowkeepers Custodes led by two Captains on Jetbikes. Which are arguably one of the best HQs in the game and easily for the Custodes faction. Not only do they have fantastic melee and shooting, but they also have great movement thanks to the bike and a re-roll aura for the remaining forces on the list. Both have 3+ invuls and one is a bit chonkier with 5++ and an extra two wounds as well.

Troops bring in 6 Custodians and 3 Sagittarum Custodians, which provide a mix of ranged and melee kit options for a diverse and multipurpose core to take advantage of those sweet re-rolls from the captains.

As for Elites, a Galatus Dread with its warblade gives it fantastic melee at a very cheap cost, making it very cost-efficient, especially if it can close the gap. 5 Prosecutors offer some anti-psyker support and round out the list to get to the full 2k points. A Vexilus Praetor brings Vexilla Magnifica, which makes your nearby units all -1 to hit in the shooting phase which can seriously cripple certain lists.

Fast Attacks start out with 5 Venatari, which serve as some slightly more mobile troops thanks to their jump packs. This allows them to get some of the more fringe objectives and still be relatively safe against small forces/squads because Custodes are just more elite than most other small squads on average.

Finishing Fast Attacks are 3 Vertus Praetors, which have some decent melee weapons and minor anti-armor weapons while also being another great mobile unit.

The last model in the is a Telemon Heavy Dread kitted with some great ranged options, serving as the main ranged anti-armor threat to take out some of the vehicles if the opponent has any. All the while also being a pretty hardy chassis with high toughness, invul, and a great 2+ armor save.

What do you think about our favorite 40k Army Lists For The London GT Invitational? Do you think either will make it all the way?

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