New Warhammer Cathay Faction Getting Miniatures Too

By Rob Baer | September 15th, 2021 | Categories: video game, Warhammer 40k Rumors, Warhammer Fantasy

warhammer-old-world-cathayDon’t miss all the sneaky updates for Cathay and Warhammer Total War 3 over the last few days, as it looks like they will be getting miniatures as well.

Total War: Warhammer is among an elite group of extremely successful Warhammer Video Games. With that in mind, there is an extreme amount of hype surrounding the third and final installment.

Unfortunately, Creative Assembly announced via Twitter that a few more months would be needed to finish perfecting the game. It’s not all bad though as right after they also showed off the new Cathay facion for the first time which involved more or less building it from the ground up!

Let’s start with the delay and then check out what we saw with Cathay’s reveal:

Total War: Warhammer 3 Delay

It’s sad to hear when exciting games are delayed, but given the history and success of the franchise, it’s fair to assume they will use the time efficiently. When the game does come out in 2022, it is sure to be a grand slam. If they need the time to make the game better, it seems like a good idea for them to take it instead of releasing an incomplete game just to get it out on deadline.

Total War: Warhammer 3 Cathay Reveal

Other than the stunning reveal (included here), there was also a short Warhammer Community post which we will break down below.


The trailer has some stunning scenes that are able to truly capture the true scale of Cathay better than ever before! Because of the low amount of previous source material, a lot of the faction was designed for the first time in conjunction with Creative Assembly (creators of Total War) and Games Workshop.

In the WHC article, they provided some of the extra concept art that they used when establishing design. Cathay is essentially Warhammer’s version of medieval/ancient China. With that comes some takes on mythological creatures like their own dragons, pegasi, and more!

You might also recognize the Warhammer The Old World logo in the bottom right… While that might just be because of the time frame it takes place, it gets a little interesting when you see this quote:

BOGO-Scarlet--740x424-croppedBuy one get one Free! Choose from hundreds of minis now!

In fact, the Warhammer Studio went so far as to establish each and every unit for use on the tabletop, including stats and special abilities. (Eighth edition rules, we understand.) These numbers were then expertly translated and transposed by the technomancers at Creative Assembly, who deftly wove them into a rich campaign in this never-before-seen part of the Warhammer world.

Total War Warhammer actually uses real rules from tabletop to help create the models, units, and characters in-game. Games workshop creating these rules to help make them in-game, shows some serious effort and devotion. One might even think they might be willing to add Cathay as a full faction in tabletop for Warhammer The Old World being how they made 8th Edition rules for them and all…

the new gw tm games workshop

I mean since the new CEO took over, GW doesn’t make rules for miniatures they don’t sell, and now with Warhammer Legends, they don’t update rules for models they stop selling.

So it doesn’t seem like too much of a stretch to think that there will be miniatures for Cathay because of the Old World branding on the art (just like the Kislev that are getting minis), and the fact that GW just won’t devote resources to rules writing unless there is a solid return on that investment.

Of course, that’s just some speculation, so take it with a grain of salt! In the end, one thing is for certain: Total War Warhammer 3 looks amazing and Cathay looks extremely cool!

Rules & New Release Updates For Warhammer Old World

What do you think about the delay? Are you excited to see Cathay fully imagined? 

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