We Love Duncan, But We Don’t Need Another Paint Line

Two-Thin-Coats-Duncan-Paints-KickstarterWe love Duncan, but we’re not sure we need another paint line right now that doesn’t change the hobby game!

First up, we want to say that the  Two Thin CoatsPaints Kickstarter is a great way to support a content creator that you love and get something back that is useful in return. As we always say, vote with your hobby dollars, so if supporting Duncan has value to you, then definitely back this project for sure!

Pledge The Two Thin Coats Paints Here

If the paint line doesn’t have the value you want, then don’t. It’s really that simple.

We Love Duncan, But We Don’t Need Another Paint Line

In the past, there have been some content creators, such as Squidmar who made a Kickstarter that did have something that changed the game. Or, when you look at something like the new Army Painter Air paints line, the color matches, metallics, and out-of-the-bottle to the airbrush consistency make it have a ton of value.

Again, we have nothing wrong with supporting people you like, we just don’t know what niche the TTC Kickstarter fills that isn’t already out there to be fair.

Duncan Rhodes paints

This is the line that’s coming out, and we don’t have a problem with them, it’s just the fact that to us, it’s just not really innovating.

Plus, when you look at something like this, it is a product that you can use up fast. Then, when you need to get new stuff, just even for a single paint, it could easily be $14 in shipping to restock from the UK unless they get these into stores or distribution in the states.

The problem with that is with this being a Kickstarter first, it will be hard for stores to pick this product line up because almost everyone who wanted them will have already done so (via the KS).

Transfer Your Citadel Paints to Dropper Bottles

Plus let’s be real here, stores already have so many lines, it would be hard for them to make room for these paints in the first place. The price isn’t bad on these and they do have some cool colors. But, really the main reason to support the project seems to be to support Duncan. Which, again, we have no problem with.

Comparing it to Another Content Creator

SquidmarSquidmar has a good following on YouTube and does great painting videos as well as very entertaining ones. His Kickstarter gave something that changed the game and is useable for years and years. Brushes and incredible busts. Both were super high quality and filled a niche with products that aren’t everywhere already (as good quality brushes are not readily stocked by stores).

The main difference between the projects is that Squidmar offered something that wasn’t already out there, so not only did you get to support a great content creator, you also received something that’s hard to find in return.

Plus, he gave away some painting masterclasses, and at this point in the stretch goals for Two Thin Paints, they don’t have anything like that…  yet.

Innovating or Changing the Game

Warpaints AirWhen it comes to paints, the new Army Painter Air Line is the type of thing we’re talking about when innovating or doing something new. Are there other air paint lines? Of course, there are, but the full-color match from bottles to primer spray, the fine pigmented metallics / Flourecesnts in the line make this something that really makes a difference in the market.

We would have loved to see the new project, Two Thin Coats Paints, do something that really changed the game, filled a niche, or just really gave us something new.

With the number of miniature paint lines out there, it just is hard to want another one that doesn’t do something completely different.

Again, if you want to support the project, go for it! Always vote with your hobby dollars.

Support Duncan Here

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