Which Army is Best for New Painters: Goobertown Hobbies

Goobertown Hobbies rA question that gets asked a lot, which army is best for new painters? Well, Goobertown walks us through that today!

Goobertown Hobbies is a great content creator who has interesting takes on the hobby. Whether it’s a collaboration with other hobby YouTubers or a challenge for himself, he has a broad range of topics he covers. Since he has so much great content, why not check out what else he has done?

This week he is going to give his choice for the best army for beginner painters to start with. Not only to be able to make them look decent but learn some good skills as well. Let’s get into it! 

Which Army is Best for New Painters: Goobertown Hobbies

Best army for new paintersWell, if you can’t guess it from the picture above, it’s Chaos Space Marines! They have well-designed models that can look good without any special tactics. No wash, no freehand, or anything fancy, just simple base colors and precision.

Base Coating

Best army for new painters 2They are great because in a sense the models are like a coloring book. So thin down your paints, fill inside the armor over a black primer with the main color scheme in two coats. If you feel two coats don’t have enough coverage, just do another coat!

No shame in that.

This tests your brush accuracy and lets you practice thinning down your paint. Two very important skills. As you can see, he covers the four main factions here. It takes a little while to get the colors looking good, so they aren’t fast but are still great.

Painting the Gold

Best army for new painters 3This step helps you learning to be precise with your brush. He takes gold and fills in all the areas surrounding the armor. He likes CSMs because you don’t need to do edge highlighting because all the edges are covered.

This stage takes a long time, but will really help you learn how to be accurate and make something look good without many steps. He does all this with a cheap brush from a multipack.

Adding Some Variety

Best army for new painters 4He does a single coat of Silver on the weapons and a brown for all the pouches and leather bits. This is basically painting by numbers and painting in the lines. The finished paint jobs look clean and you learn some really good skills painting these minis.

Taking it a Step Further

Best army for new painters 5Not all Chaos Space Marines have to be easy, however. He painted this for a raffle that supports the Fisher House Foundation, so he painted them as well as he could. This shows just how far you can go with Chaos Space Marines!

He doesn’t go too in-depth into the scheme but does give some good tips. Instead of a flat red color, he used the airbrush to make the red more gradient. He starts with Chaotic Red through the Airbrush in splotches to transition from the black. Then he highlights that with some Scarlet Red.

Getting More Detailed

Best army for new painters 6He starts with a base coat of Balthasar Gold and did highlight with a lighter Gold. To push the contrast, he uses Agrax Earthshade and then stipples in for more highlights. He doesn’t talk much about the rest, but he has gone over all the techniques before, so be sure to check out his other videos for that.

The main thing he realized though, for Chaos, the armor and trim are the most important things. Meaning even a beginner painter can come up with something great!

If you are curious about what he has to say, and for more details on the techniques watch the full video above! Also, be sure to Subscribe to Goobertown Hobbies if you enjoy his content!

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