This Missing Kruleboyz Model Still Hasn’t Been Released

New-Kruleboyz-Title-wal-hor-miniaturesAfter looking at all the Kruleboyz teasers and releases one ‘missing’ model seems to still be on the waitlist for upcoming pre-orders.

While the Kruleboyz has a pretty big roster for being a brand new sub-faction, they still haven’t gotten all the goodies that we know for sure are in the works.

This Missing Kruleboyz Model Still Hasn’t Been Released

The kit still to come is a little bit tricky. The model was only spotted once, on a seemingly unsuspicious Warhammer Instagram Post a while back…

In the top left of this image, there is a never before seen, never mentioned model. Although interestingly enough he does have two rumor engine bits on him!

missing kruleboyz

missing kruleboyz 1

And the extremely photato closeup:

missing kruleboy characterSeeing as he wasn’t in any book, and also does not have his own warscroll, it looks like he may have slipped into this picture by ‘accident’. There are some rumors floating around that he may be a Taskmaster or a generic version of another lord perhaps.

Now let’s take a look at some still ‘unsolved’ rumor engines too, both of which look to be from this ‘missing’ model.

Missing Kruleboyz Rumor Engines

rumor engine 10-27-20This strangely looks like the bird above slightly photoshopped, as they are both very similar and standing on some sort of outcropping.

rumor engine 2-16-21

So what is he? Well, chances are he is probably another Store opening-like (or celebration) model release.

They tend not to be all that great and often are one-off characters with simple rules. This might be a stretch, but he doesn’t look like a complicated character, and he does seem to fit the idea of a “unique but not overly powerful” character that the celebration models tend to be.

Of course, this is speculation, all we know for sure is that he hasn’t been seen anywhere else besides this image and is an official GW model.

All the Newest GW Model Previews For Oct & Beyond

What do you think this model is? Do you suspect either of the kit to be announced soon?

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