Competitive 40k Mats From Game Mat EU!

competitive mats feature game matThese Competitive 40k Mats from Game Mat EU are perfect for tournament play, or just to make missions easier at home!

Game Mat EU has so many great hobby accessories, not only mats! While we’re focusing on the mat side of things today, they also have great products for terrain, accessories, and are even making STLs! Today though, we’ll be focusing on a cool new addition to the line that went live for the second time on October 1st. The first set of these sold out quickly, so if you want any of them, be sure to grab them soon! 

If you want to see the quality of their mats overall, check out Rob’s unboxing of some of their other mats here. For now, though, let’s look at this great new mat! It’s always fun to be able to just have everything already measured out for you, it takes out the need to worry if you’re doing it right and speeds the game right up.

Plus if you run a tournament, this keeps the confusion down and helps your games run smoothly. Check it out!

Competitive 40k Mats 44″ x 60″: $75

competitive matThis just makes setting up your games so much easier, and they have a bunch of styles. We also assume if these do well they will come out with a bunch of more designs for them as well! If you love what Game Mat EU is up to, check out what else they have been making here!

competitive matsThey have ten different styles currently, so for a tournament, these are beyond perfect! Let’s hear what they have to say about the set:

Battle mat (play mat or game mat) is suitable for Warhammer 40 000, Age Of Sigmar, Star Wars: Legion, X-Wing and other board games and tabletop war games.

Special mat with objectives and deployment zones marked for Warhammer 40k games. Ideal for tournaments and competitive play.

competitive mats 2– rubber-based (mousepad material) battle mat with highly detailed printed design
– 44×60 inch size (111.8×152.4cm)
– lays perfectly flat, no dog ears
– 2 mm thick durable rubber base
– weight 3 kg
– anti-slip
– water proof
– no light reflections
– softens rolling dice sounds
– smooths model movement
– soft protection for dropped models
– adds amazing cinematic effect to your games
– turns your tabletop into a real battlefield
– battle bag included

That does it for this one, now go grab a mat to make your games easier!

Get Your Competitive Mats Here!