JOYTOY Space Marines Action Figures: Unboxing & Review

joytoy unboxing rDon’t miss our unboxing and build of the JOYTOY Space Marines as we check out the newest action figures for Warhammer 40k!

We’re back unboxing the new big new release for the Space Marines- smaller more articulated action figures! Rob sees how they look, shows the size of the models, and compares them to a ton of older action figures!

We are going to show you everything about these new JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures including the pieces, and of course, the size. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

JOYTOY Space Marines Action Figures: Unboxing & Review

joytoy unboxing 2These were out for MTO from GW a couple of weeks back, but luckily Rob ordered them from Asia and they came in already! We expect JOYTOY to sell all the Warhammer 40k action figures separately eventually but we’re not sure at this point when that will be.

You can actually get all of these figures right now over eBay.  Plus they are also orderable on Entertainment Earth by clicking here 

The case is a little dinged up, but we’re not too worried about that because when you order yours they won’t be shipping from that far away.

joytoy unboxing 3Each figure comes in its own box and they are all the same, but when you buy a box of four, they have each one inside.

The JOYTOY Action Figures

joytoy unboxing 4Even though the box was a little dinged, the figure looks awesome. It’s similar to Bandai but definitely different. There are 13 parts overall, and it looks like you can do a lot with each of these JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures.

joytoy unboxing 5Rob’s first impressions are generally good. There is tons of articulation, the paint job is decent, and overall they just look great. If you don’t like the paint job, you can even paint them up yourself. The parts interchange super easily, and it’s even easier than Bandai in that respect.

joytoy unboxing 6They have a big wingspan and all the pieces look great so far. The joints are all pretty sturdy and nothing makes much noise.

Painting Options

joytoy unboxing 8Fauxhammer also grabbed some of these and painted one up awesomely! Rob’s not going to paint his up differently, but obviously, you can change them to any chapter!

Size Comparisons

joytoy unboxing 9These are a little smaller than the McFarlane ones, measuring about 4.75″. Just about the size of current action figures, you could even play a Kill Team game with them.

joytoy unboxing 10He-Man from about 30 years ago is about the same size.

joytoy unboxing 11This Ed-209 is from the mid-’80s is about the same size, so nothing wrong with that!

joytoy unboxing 12When compared to the true master of the Dark Side circa 1977, he makes him look kind of small, but we all know who would win in a fight!

All the Figures

joytoy unboxing 13When you get the whole squad together, they look pretty awesome. However, in the poses and options, they are pretty much the same. So other than a few different poses and heads, they don’t differ too much. There are a bunch more rumored, so when they release it will be a lot more fun.

Overall, they are pretty cool and for the price, they aren’t too bad. But again, they are just fun accessories to your hobby.

Click Here To Order Your JoyToy Warhammer 40k Action Figures!

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