New 40k Adeptus Custodes Lieutenant Model Spotted

adeptus-custodes-wal-hor-titleIt looks like the new Adeptus Custodes Lieutenant Model has been spotted on the web, check out what we know so far!

If you haven’t been following the rumors lately, here’s a quick breakdown, GW said a Xenos codex and Imperial one will be coming in December. The rumors say it will be Custodes and Genestealer Cults in the next army box.

Let’s first take a closer look at the rumors, then get into the new pic that was spotted of what may be the new Adeptus Custodes Lieutenant Model!

RUMORS Genestealer Cults & Adeptus Custodes Box Set

Codex release MapLet’s start with the reveal from GW, they said a Xenos and Imperial book are coming in December. Conveniently, this rumor has a Xenos and Imperial army coming in December as well!

Just to note, the artwork is just stock, they’ve used them for every codex reveal, so, unfortunately, you can’t read into them. Anyways, the timing would line up perfectly with what GW has laid out. This is both good and bad if you play the factions. It means they are getting a book sooner, but it also means they are only grabbing one new mini this time around.

Here’s the actual rumor from Reddit.

rumors GSC

You may notice that there is not only everything in there about the Black Templars release, but they also predicted the Sisters and Tau release for Kill Team as well, both from a post back in August!

The same source also said the Adeptus Custodes are getting something that the Warhammer World has been severely lacking, a new Lieutenant! Whereas the Genestealer Cults will grab a Saboteur.

Hexfire box 2Hexfire had 29 minis inside and two new characters, so with the Custodes and GSC we bet the number of minis wouldn’t be too different. With December 2021 (basically) around the corner, if these rumors are true expect to see some official announcements soon.

New 40k Adeptus Custodes Lieutenant Model Spotted

new Custodes Lieutenant modelThe potato camera hath returned! While it’s grainy as can be, you can easily tell this is for Custodes and it definitely looks like something new and matches perfectly with the pic in the teaser image below for the new Warhammer Day previews!

If the rumors are true, we expect them to grab a box alongside Genestealer Cults and this may only be the only new mini for these factions…

Warhammer Day PreviewsWe at first thought it might be for Horus Heresy, but with this, it’s hard to think of anything else. It also makes sense with the timeline as December is fast approaching! With this pic, we hope we’ll also see the GSC mini revealed this weekend as well!

Either way, we’ll see soon enough a high-quality picture and not have to rely on the old potato cam.  I mean who reverse pixelates an image anyways- unless perhaps you’re a billion-dollar company that leaks a pic on purpose just to drum up hype for your first live preview since July?

All the Newest GW Model Previews For November & Beyond

Do you think this is going to be revealed? Are you excited about new GSC and an Adeptus Custodes Lieutenant?

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