New Female Van Diemen’s World Devils Have Arrived!

feature van diemen rThe new Female Van Diemen’s World Devils from Victoria Miniatures look amazing and add tons of flavor to your army. Check it out!

The hobby maniacs at Victoria Miniatures are always coming out with some of the best-handcrafted minis at an affordable price. The Van Diemens are just one of the great regiments they offer, and their mini of the month promotion is also really awesome!

If you have a minute, you should check out what else they have been producing!

van diemens world devils feature rThe World Devils are an amazing regiment that makes for the perfect alternatives. Especially now with a bunch of amazing female minis getting added to the line. Let’s dive into the new minis and what is coming for the World Devils.

Female Van Diemen’s World Devils 10x: $59.99

van diemens world devilsIf you’re getting a Guard unit, might as well get them in increments of ten! The detail on these is amazing and they are just super fun.

van diemens world devils 4


van diemens world devils 3


van diemens world devils 2

The people of desert planets make perfect fodder for the Guard. They are used to a hard life and in the Grimdark of the future, humans need all the warriors they can get! These minis look amazing and will really make your army stand out on the tabletop. If you like what Victoria Miniatures is up to, check out what else they have going on!

Here are the specs on this kit:

  • 10 Female Slouch Hat Heads
  • 2 Heads without hats
  • 2 spare slouch hats
  • 5 troop torsos with las carbines
  • 3 Universal specialist torsos
  • 4 character torsos
  • 8 character arms
  • 10 Bush Backpacks
  • 1 comms backpack
  • 5 Devils shorts legs
  • 5 Devils conscript legs
  • 5 laser carbines
  • 1 Grenade launcher
  • 1 Bolt gun
  • 1 Flamer
  • 1 Plas rifle
  • 1 fusion rifle
  • 1 sniper rifle
  • 10 frag grenades
  • 12 ammo pouches
  • 10x 25mm round plastic slotta bases.

Also, they have some really cool promotions, one of them being a free mini of the month when you spend more than $50 as well as free shipping on any orders over $100. Let’s check it out!

Mini of The Month – Captain Luara Swift:

December Free Mini of the Month


Laura SwiftYou can buy her at a normal price, but with the miniature of the month deal, you can get her for free! All you have to do is spend $50 and then you get to pick any model from their MOTM and receive it for free. Not a bad deal, spend $50, get a $14 dollar mini for nothing. The line is ever-expanding as well, so you can keep getting free new stuff every month.

That does it for this one! Just a great addition to an already awesome line.

Get Your World Devils Here!