New Products For Kromlech Orktober Are Here!

kromlech orktoberOrktober is here for Kromlech, and they are kicking it off with a bang, don’t miss out on all these insane alternative Ork minis!

Kromlech is always putting out some of the coolest alternative minis and bits on the market! If you haven’t checked them out before, they are definitely worth looking into. This time though, we’ll be focusing on what new minis Kromlech will be adding to the line in October, er Orktober rather.

These just hit the webstore so if you want any of this and some sweet drops, you better get over there quickly. They will have Orcs, Goblins, vehicles, and the biggest HDF kit they have made yet. We’ve seen a lot of the previews, but we can finally grab the awesome minis. Check it out! 

Kromlech Orktober has Begun!

Orktober Kromlech feature rEverything in this release is just so Orky and amazing! Not to mention the God-Busta kit is one of the biggest and just wildest sets we’ve ever seen from them. We’ll get into more pics soon, but first, let’s look at everything coming your way this Orktober.

Orktober Kromlech 8They are not kidding around and are just releasing an insane number of kits this year. If you love Orks, you have to take part in this celebration. If you love what Kromlech is up to, check out what else they have going on here.

Orktober Kromlech 3This is the leader of the host, Mech-Boss Dreadsmasha himself! The model is just full of detail, and the retinue may be the coolest part. You can get these either by themselves or in one giant bundle of madness.

Orktober Kromlech 4No boss worth his salt would go into battle without plenty of aides!

Orktober Kromlech 5The Mega-Clanker comes in at 5″ tall and just puts some of the other versions to shame.

Orktober Kromlech 6You can also grab these as a bundle or just pick them up separately. Each one though is worth getting with how cool they are.

God-Busta Kit: 249.99€

Orktober Kromlech 7The God-Busta itself!!! This is 18″ tall and would just be the perfect centerpiece for your army. Plus, it just looks about as Orky as possible! There will also only be 100 of these made, so don’t sit around and miss this insane kit.

Exclusive Merch:

Kromlech orktoberLast but not least, you can grab all kinds of awesome merch, but it’s going to be limited, so again, don’t wait around.

That does it for this one, now get hyped for an amazing Orktober from Kromlech!

Get Your Minis Here!