Nighthaunt Dreadblade Harrows are Ghostly Leaders

Armies-on-Parade-Lore-40k-AoS-nighthaunts titleNighthaunt Dreadblade Harrows are somehow scarier than the majority of a fully undead army and that’s saying something!

The Nighthuant armies are not something you want to face on the battlefield or ever really. The Dreadblades serve as lieutenants and are often seen spearheading the assualt. Get out your favorite ghost buddy and let’s learn about some lore!

In the World

The armies of the Nighthaunt are made up of skeletal legions and ethereal monsters. An attentive soldier can sometimes see knights phase in and out of existence amongst a Nighthaunt army. These are the Dreadblade Harrows. They often serve the Nighthaunt as lieutenants, leading smaller hordes on top of their spectral steeds. Somehow, they can fade into nothingness, only to reappear somewhere else entirely on the battlefield. Combined with their mighty steeds and cursed Dreadblades these knights are a curse upon any foe.

Dreadblade Harrows always serve under a Knight of Shrouds. Those who became Knights of Shrouds betrayed mankind in life to serve Nagash. Those officers that simply observed their master’s betrayal without either helping them or trying to stop them were also “rewarded” by Nagash. Their apathy had Nagash curse them to continue serving their lords for all eternity, just like they had done in their mortal lives. They aren’t filled with pride or duty however, because of their apathy in life, they’re cursed with a constant feeling of regret in undeath. Forever wondering what they could have changed.

In battle, their main purpose is as Lieutenants to their lords, commanding troops and corralling them into the carnage. However, they can also have a myriad of other tasks and roles to fulfill should their commander order them. From serving as bodyguards to being sent out as outriders or scouts. Their ghostly steeds and powerful weapons allow them to complete any task. As soon as an order is given they’ll vanish into thin air. Only to reappear wherever they can best do their jobs.

On the Field

Legion of grief army nighthaunts age of sigmar warhammerOn the Tabletop of the Mortal Realms, Dreadblade Harrows serve as a Leader option for any Nighthaunt army. Since they clock in at just 90 points, they’re an easy option if you’re in need of a Leader. Moreover, their 5 wounds and 12″ movement speed make them cunning warriors to sweep across the battlefield. Thus, it is quite easy to field multiple Dreadblade Harrows to harass the enemy by quickly swooping in, striking, and disappearing to do it all over again. The fact that they can fly only adds to this, terrain and other units are no issue for these spectral knights.

When locked into melee, the Ethereal Steed of the Dreadblade Harrow tries its best to fight with its Ghostly Hooves and Teeth. However, with 2 attacks, a 4+ to hit and a 5+ to wound. It’s hard for them to deal damage to their assailant. Most of the fighting will be done by their rider’s Dreadblade. With 3 attacks, a 3+ to wound and hit and a -1 rend they can quickly cut up foes left and right. Moreover, the Dreadblade gets enhanced depending on if the unit has charged or not in that turn. Adding 1 to their damage if they made a charge move and adding 1 to their attacks if they didn’t.

Dreadblade Harrows live and fight with a Curse of Loyalty. This allows them to re-roll wound rolls of 1 with their Dreadblade if it is within 9″ of a Knight of Shrouds. Both the rider and steed are also Ethereal, ignoring any modifiers when making their save rolls. Their ability to phase in and out of existence is represented with their Phantasmal Discorporation. If a Dreadblade Harrow is more than 3″ away from an enemy unit at the start of their movement phase it can be removed from the battlefield. Only to be set up somewhere else that is more than 9″ away from the enemy. Allowing them to move from one end of the board to the other.

These Dreadblade Harrows are the almost teleporting knights of Death.

Learn More About Nighthaunt Dreadblade Harrows Here!