Adeptus Titanicus Armiger Knights & Moirax Coming Soon!

adeptus-titancius-wal-hor-title-logo-new-models-reveals-preview1New Adeptus Titanicus Armiger Knights and Knights Moirax may be small compared to the recent releases, but they still pack a punch!

They’ve been focusing on the ‘big’ knights lately, so it’s nice to see the small machines get some love! These are coming from Forge World, so just keep that in mind as you order hordes of these. The Knight Asterius was the latest release from Forge World for the game and ran a little more expensive than we expected. So let’s hope the little guys aren’t too bad on the old wallet soon.

Warhammer Community unveiled the small guys, and honestly, they are pretty sweet! They also showed a few rules for them, so let’s jump into it!

Adeptus Titanicus Armiger Knights


Look at how wee they are! We’re reluctant to label any towering construct bristling with implements of war and death cute, but if we could call anything in Adeptus Titanicus adorable, it’d be these bipedal babies.

Well, they definitely look like mini Armigers! They come with a variety of weapon options, but we’ll have to wait and see how the package comes from Forge World.

Armiger 2

Despite their diminutive stature, these resin Forge World Knights are packed with crisp detail, just like their larger siblings. The Armigers (pictured above) come in two flavours, close-range Warglaives and dual-autocannon Helverins, and each kit lets you build two of the former and one of the latter.

It would be fun to see them running around on the battlefield when you look at them compared to above! At this rate, they almost don’t seem worth it to shoot at!

Knights Moirax

Armiger 3

Similarly, the Knights Moirax come with two Knights dual-wielding lightning locks, and one with a mighty volkite veuglaire and gyges siege claw. 

You need all the tiny knights you can get! An army full of these would just be hilarious to see.


Armiger rules

With a movement value of 11”, they’re just a hair slower than the lanky Knight Cerastus. These tiny war dogs may be fragile, but they’re flexible and able to strike at the soft spots in your foe’s lines.

While each weapon isn’t too strong, you’ll have a bunch of shots!

Do you like the idea of Armigers in Titanicus? Will you be picking them up?

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