Tzeentch Curselings are Blessed Occult leaders


tzeentch wal hor titleTzeentch Curselings are on a never-ending search for knowledge and put their findings to work for their Tzeentch masters!

Curselings are not chosen at random, they are some of the most intelligent servants around. If you are obsessed with knowledge then these are perfect for you! Get out your biggest book and let’s learn about some lore.

In the World


The mortal warriors of Tzeentch number many wizards and others interested in the arcane arts. Some rise to become powerful Magisters or leaders of their own warband. But only a few receive the blessing of a Tretchlet. Combining the two into a Curseling, an Eye of Tzeentch. This unholy merge of mortal and daemon often acts as the lieutenants in Tzeentchian armies. They use their plethora of weapons to batter the foe whilst casting enemy spells back at them. These formidable and deadly warriors are possibly all the worst things Tzeentch has to offer in one compact package.


A Tretchlet doesn’t just pick any rising acolyte to become a Curseling. Their would-be hosts are always obsessed with the search for knowledge and secrets. When one has learned one too many secrets or a secret too deep it outweighs every other one, the Tretchlet will appear. Tretchlets are keen at sniffing out secrets and lies spoken by others, thus Curselings are often used as an inquisitor by their cults. The Tretchlet also constantly begs and advises their Curseling host to search for more and more knowledge.

Whilst Curselings are known for their quest for evermore knowledge and wisdom. They also constantly hunger for battle. To show off the awesome powers their Tretchlet companion has given them. Their heavy armor and powerful melee weapons allow them to singlehandedly break through enemy formations. However, generals with knowledge about Curselings don’t care much for the mortal vessel itself. But for the daemon with them, for a powerful Tretchlet is capable of hurling enemy spells right back towards their caster. This allows Curselings to effectively shield their allies from enemy spells and magic.

On the Field

Curseling realOn the Tabletop of the Mortal Realms, Curselings are a leader option for any army of Tzeentch. They cost only 160 points but with their 5 wounds and bravery of 7, they’re well worth their cost. Their 4+ save is also nothing to scoff at in Tzeentchian armies. Have lesser units shield the Curselings whilst they perform their magic.

Even though Curselings are a single model, they carry three melee weapons due to the extra arms of their Tretchlet. The Blazing Sword is a mighty blade dealing 3 attacks on a 3+ to hit and -1 rend. This allows the Blazing Sword to cut through opponents like butter. The Threshing Flail on the other hand also deals 3 damage but with a 3+ to wound instead. It batters the foe with unmatched savagery. Lastly, the Tretchlet carries a Staff of Tzeentch. It is overall, a weak melee weapon with a 5+ to hit but D3 damage. If you get lucky with the staff is can beat down foes like any other weapon.

Whilst Curselings are no slouch in Melee. It is their magical abilities that make them stand out. Using Disrupter of the Arcane the Curseling can re-roll their unbinding and dispelling rolls without problems. With Vessel of Chaos, they can cast a spell after it has been unbound in the enemy Hero Phase. Their most interesting ability however is Glean Magic: with a low casting value of 3, it allows the Curseling to choose any spell from an enemy Wizard’s warscroll that the Curseling could cast. On a dice roll of a 3+, the Curseling can use that spell for the remainder of the battle.

Curselings and their Tretchlets are true masters of Tzeentch’s gifts

Learn More About Tzeentch Curselings Here!