GW Releases 3rd Edition 40k Starter Set Minis on MTO for Christmas

warhammer-pre-ordersIf you want to relive the glory days of the Warhammer 40k 3rd Edition Starter Set, GW is making the minis available for MTO on Christmas day!

Not only will there be both the classic Dark Eldar and Black Templars minis be up for MTO, but Thorin’s Company from the Hobbit will also be available. Nothing wrong with a little Hobbit action on Christmas!

Just keep in mind, the sets will be available from the 25th of December until 6 pm GMT on the 3rd of January, with delivery expected within 90 days.

3rd edition starter rWarhammer Community announced the MTO and if you want either of the sets, don’t wait around too long as they aren’t on sale for too long!

3rd Edition Starter Set Minis: $100

3rd Edition starter mini

The year was 1998, and the grim, dark future of the 41st Millennium looked very different. The third edition of the game was launched with a starter set of Black Templars and Dark Eldar. This Christmas you’ll be able to pick up these fighting forces for a limited time once more.

The Old Enemies bundle includes 10 classic Space Marines with boltguns, one Land Speeder, and 20 Dark Eldar Warriors with splinter rifles and splinter cannons. The classic Dark Eldar armour design is a perfect fit for your Archon’s Kabalite Trueborn bodyguard.

These old minis are full of nostalgia (unfortunately none of the books or terrain come with this) and if you play either of the factions (and don’t have tons of the old ones lying around) then this is a great opportunity! They have such a classic look and the 3rd edition starter got a lot of people into the game, so only makes sense as a little Christmas gift to yourself.

As they said, they are MTO, which means about 90 days before you get them, but that also means they will be able to have more for everyone!  Not sure about the price, but hey if this is for you grab it while you can.

This isn’t the only set you can grab either!

Thorin’s Company and Young Bilbo (not listed for sale at press time)

Thorin's Company

These models are the perfect way to start a great Thorin’s Company army for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. Each dwarf brings a variety of useful skills while Bilbo wields Sting as a surprisingly effective combatant – for a Hobbit.

Just another cool offering to grab some minis you may have missed out on. We like when GW does the MTO because even though it might take longer to get your minis, you don’t have to battle the secondary market for minis no longer produced!

Be sure to keep an eye on the price, and vote with your hobby dollars this holiday season!

Will you be grabbing either of these sets? Did you start playing 40k back when this came out?

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