X-Wing Razor Crest Expansion Pack Cards Revealed!

By Travis Pasch | December 11th, 2021 | Categories: rules, Star Wars, Warhammer 40k Rumors, X-Wing 2.0

Mandalorian x-Wing feature rThe new X-wing Razor Crest Expansion Pack cards allow you to add some of the most famous characters from the Mandalorian to your ship!

It wasn’t too long ago we saw this ship revealed during the Ministravaganza from Atomic Mass Games. During the event they revealed some of the cards for the ship itself and Grogu, however, on their Twitter, they revealed a bunch more cards. 

It’s really fun to have a ship run by such infamous characters who are a pain in the side of everywhere they go. Let’s check out what we’ve seen so far, then jump into the new rules.

Initial Rules Released

Mandalorian x-Wing 2


Mandalorian x-Wing 4The card has some pretty interesting movement mechanics, some people seem not so sure about the wheel, but overall is pretty decent.

Mandalorian x-Wing 3The best part about this card is if your opponent destroys the ship, they will also be destroying Grogu. Boo! This does give Merciless Pursuit to 2 enemy ships, but it does allow you to recover much quicker. So a bit of a drawback and a strength there.

Razor Crest Expansion Pack Cards Revealed!

razor crest cards 4First up, they revealed Greef Karga and his rules make pretty thematic sense. He can coordinate your attacks and get all your allied ships working as a smooth machine.

razor crest cards 3Who doesn’t want Kuil on their ship? He will turn your ragtag machinery perfect again! His rules also reflect that as he can repair your ship with serious skill!

razor crest cards 2There was a lot of repairing necessary in The Mandalorian. Peli’s repairing is a little different and both have their own uses.

razor crest cardsGood old Migs, even though he has some interesting morals, his card is pretty cool. He allows you to pull off some really interesting attacks that will take your enemy by surprise.

Are you excited about the ship? Will you be picking it up?

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