Marvel Crisis Protocol Modular Battlemats From Torek

Marvel Crisis Protocol Battlemats feature rThe Marvel Crisis Protocol Modular Battlemats from Torek will instantly make your games that much better- check it out!

If you’ve been playing your games without a mat, it’s time you move into the new age! It really makes your games better not only in terms of looks, but play style as well. They have a ton of different styles, but we’ll be focusing on the MCP ones for now!

These mats are designed in a way that each quarter of the mat can be changed out with the others. It doesn’t stop there however, you can also buy more squares and add them all the way up to eight. Meaning you can have all kinds of games with just these mats!

Modular Battlemat New-York: €59.00

Marvel Crisis Protocol BattlematsAs you see, when you put all the mats together you can make a seriously big and awesome battlefield! This is with all the add-ons and the original set, but just the original set gives you a bunch of options.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Battlemats 2Let’s hear what they have to say about the mats:

Each ¼ of a table is designed to be able to pivot and adapt to the others. This allows you to change your battlefield at will.

So, with 4 squares you can make 4 different mats, with 8 squares (via extensions) you get 12 different battlefields… with 12 we reach the 32 possibilities! And of course you can also turn the whole carpet for a change …


Marvel Crisis Protocol Battlemats 3

In any case, that corresponds to 32 carpets, but for the price of 3… Admit that it’s economical, isn’t it? In addition, the icing on the cake, it’s much easier to store and transport.

Sublimation printing guarantees you a high definition and indelible rendering.

Battlemat City York: €59.00

Marvel Crisis Protocol Battlemats 5


Marvel Crisis Protocol Battlemats 4Here are the specs on this one:

  • This Battlemat is ideal for your clashes on a rich and deep urban setting. This Battlemat is divided into 4 modules and offers you the possibility to create many different districts !!!
  • Expansion of two additional tiles to add variety to your battle zone
  • Sublimation printing guarantees you a high definition and indelible rendering.

That does it for this one, now stop staring and go grab some mats!

Get Your Marvel Crisis Protocol Modular Battlemats Here!