New Pre-Painted Infinity Terrain Bundles from Micro Art Studio

prepainted Infinity Terrain feature rThese amazing prepainted Infinity terrain bundles from Micro Art Studio will give you a great-looking table in no time- check it out!

The hobby maniacs at Micro Art Studio are just pumping out the new stuff! This terrain is just one of the many new releases that they’ve been coming out with, so you really need to go check them out and see what else they have to offer. If you’ve been loving the new Infinity Edition, MAS is the place to be!

This week though, we’re focusing on the prepainted bundle terrain sets they just released specifically for Infinity that are meant to get you an entire table of terrain in one buy. The bundle is really a fun deal and will give your tabletop tons of variety without much work.

Obviously, they are a little expensive, but this gets you all your terrain in one buy! With N4 out, you need your table looking as good as possible. Let’s take a closer look at the new bundle!

Kokkyo-3 PREPAINTED (beige) Retail Highground bundle: $332.35


prepainted Infinity Terrain 2These can be used with all of their other Kokkyo-3 releases so you can mix and match and really get some amazing setups. Plus Who doesn’t need a few more buildings hanging around? If you love what MAS is up to, check out what else they have been releasing! 


prepainted Infinity TerrainObviously, with this being prepainted, you can just pop them up on your table and be ready to go. For the price as well, which isn’t super cheap, but it requires literally zero work.

prepainted Infinity Terrain 3As you can see, they get the scale perfect for Infinity but could be used for other games based on the same scale. Here are the specs on this one:

The Retail Highground bundle provides lots of higher floor space to fly your gaming experience high! 

You can also get this in the multi-color variation because sometimes just beige is boring!

That does it for this one, now go get some new terrain to make your games better!

Click Here To Get Your Prepainted Infinity Terrain!