Warhammer 40k 3rd Edition Starter Set Prices Soaring on eBay

black-templars-title wal horThat old Warhammer 40k 3rd Edition Starter Set featuring Black Templars & Dark Eldar is soaring in price on eBay!

If you haven’t been in the hobby super long, you may not remember the 3rd edition (we’re not old, you are) but it featured the Black Templars against the Dark Eldar. This is also where the artwork came from for the new Black Templars Army Launch box and codex.

GW even featured these models in a recent MTO offering for a cool $100 USD.

3rd Edition Starter Set Minis: $100 (Available Through Jan 3rd)

3rd Edition starter mini

The year was 1998, and the grim, dark future of the 41st Millennium looked very different. The third edition of the game was launched with a starter set of Black Templars and Dark Eldar. This Christmas you’ll be able to pick up these fighting forces for a limited time once more.

The Old Enemies bundle includes 10 classic Space Marines with boltguns, one Land Speeder, and 20 Dark Eldar Warriors with splinter rifles and splinter cannons. The classic Dark Eldar armour design is a perfect fit for your Archon’s Kabalite Trueborn bodyguard.

The old Warhammer starter sets are all actually pretty amazing and we wish GW would actually re-release them in their entirety! Still, they are fun to look back on, and with the Black Templars the hotness of the day, the old boxes are going for crazy money now.

Let’s first look at some of the previous Warhammer 40k starter sets then see how much it’s going on eBay.

Warhammer 40k 3rd Edition Starter Box Set Soaring on eBay

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3rd edition starter set 2

This didn’t have quite as many minis, but it’s filled with nostalgia for us. Just think of all the battles you had with your friends between Dark Eldar and Space Marines. We would love to play some 3rd ed games again! Also, these were the good old days when editions would last years and you didn’t have to worry about the books changing all the time. Don’t worry either, we’ll take a more in-depth look later on.

eBay Listings: Warhammer 40k 3rd Edition Starter Box Set

Warhammer 40k 3rd Edition Starter Set with Limited Edition Emperor's Champion

Depending on contents and condition these starter sets can sell for $400, which being less than $100 at the register back in 1998 says something.

There were two starters available the “Special Edition” one and the regular version. They also reprinted the set with green templates instead of red which only seemed to come in the first batch of box sets produced.

First, these are hard to find because they are so old, but with the Black Templars release, a few more have popped up. This one is running for over $350, so if you really want that nostalgia, you’re going to have to pay for it!

This was one of the coolest boxes out there, so hey, just looking back at the old sprues gives us the strong Member Berries for sure!

Click Here to See All the Warhammer 3rd Edition Starter Sets For Sale!

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