Kromlech Sindari Voidfarers Eldar Alternatives Coming Soon!

Kromlech Eldar 5The new Sindari Voidfarers Eldar Alternatives will be arriving in April from Kromlech- check out the preview!

Kromlech is always putting out some of the coolest alternative minis, terrain, and bits on the market! If you haven’t checked them out before, they are definitely worth looking into. This time though, we’ll be focusing on a bunch of new models that will make the perfect Eldar alternatives. We can’t see too much yet in the video, but just enough to get excited about. 

Here is just a preview of what is to come, but the bits are coming soon, in April. If you need a mini fix right now, you should check out their most recent releases here!

They have tons of bits that are perfect for 40k and fantasy, so even if these aren’t up your alley, they probably have something else you would love. So go check out their site after you see this awesome preview. Let’s get into what’s on the way soon! 

Kromlech Sindari Voidfarers Eldar Alternatives Coming Soon!

A new line of models. One that not many expected us to do. See them this April on our site!

While this isn’t their usual line of models, we’re super happy they are throwing their hats into the ring when it comes to Eldar alternatives as their minis are always awesome!

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Kromlech Eldar 4With so much going on for the faction, we hope we’ll get all kinds of minis! If it’s even half as cool as their other releases from this year, we expect this to be awesome.

It’s quite hard to tell exactly what everything is, but just enough to get the idea of it. If you love what Kromlech is up to, check out what else they have going on here.

Kromlech Eldar 2


Kromlech EldarApril really isn’t that far away, so keep your eyes peeled for all the upcoming details!

Click Here to Get Your Kromlech Models!