Top Homebrew 40k Army List: Beachhead Brawl 2022 Major

40k-homebrew-army-listsAnother off-meta Warhammer 9th Edition 40k army list emerged in the Beachhead Brawl 2022 Major, check this one out!

9th Edition’s meta is again in flux, but some players are taking lists with units that nobody was expecting. Check out this awesome homebrew list that emerged in a tournament over the weekend. This just goes to show us that sometimes it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.

Top Homebrew 40k Army List: Beachhead Brawl 2022 Major

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves. 

If you wanted to see the names and factions of the overall winners, we’ve included that below.



However, we aren’t covering all those lists, instead, we will be looking at just one of our favorites this week.

Beachhead Brawl 2022: Matthew Chinn – Necrons

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Matthew Chinn 1Matthew may not have gotten top 8, but going 5-2 at such a huge event is no joke! Doing so with a faction we rarely see anymore is even better! He did it with a pretty simple idea… Why play tons of different units, when you can just play multiples of the best ones?

He had a 3 detachment set up with the first being the Silent King in his own Supreme Command. The Silent King is a fantastic model, giving the Necrons fantastic support abilities and being pretty good in combat himself as well! At his price point, he is simply too good for Necron players to not consider.

The Second Detachment is a Patrol led by a Command Barge, which is a pretty sturdy and mobile HQ choice that can buff nearby units’ movement and a single unit hit rolls! Troops bring in 5 Immortals, which are slightly more elite than their warrior counterparts, and some decent weapons.

Elites go full melee bringing 12 total Flayed Ones, which are very cheap models that can get some cheeky kills thanks to their -2 leadership aura and their ok melee stats. Finally closing out the second detachment are 8 Wraiths, which are extremely mobile and decently hardy melee units. Thanks to their combo of stats and abilities they pretty much always seem to get their points back in kills.

Matthew Chinn 2The final Detachment is a Vanguard led by a Technomancer, which can help to reanimate dead core units if the squad isn’t fully wiped out, earning extra value over the course of the game.

Elites bring in 10 total Lychguard, which serve as the hardier of the melee foot soldiers in the army, hopefully soaking some wounds and dealing some damage. Then there’s a total of 9 Skorpekh Destroyers, which are another completely melee-focused unit that will pretty much decimate anything in its path if they are allowed to crash into the enemy lines.

Finally closing out the list are a unit of scarab swarms to lock up a unit in combat for a turn (or sit on an objective) and 4 more wraiths to cause havoc in the enemy backlines!

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

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