Adepticon 2022 40k Champs: Top 40k Army Lists

40k-army-lists-freshThe Adepticon 2022 40k Champs happened over the weekend with some pretty sweet 40k army lists making it to the top cut including Necrons!

Depending on who you ask, competitive 40k is about the worst it has been in recent memory.

As such, the top overall players were a lot of the same stagnant meta that has hung over tournaments lately like the ghost of the Knight Castellan, so we’re featuring some of the more unique lists that placed high instead!

Adepticon 2022 40k Champs: Top 40k Army Lists

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves. You can check out event details here.

If you wanted to see the names and factions of the overall winners, we’ve included that below.

adepticon 2022 top 8

11th Place:  Eduardo Gonzalez de Molina – Necrons

necron wal


Eduardo Gonzalez de Molina 1


Eduardo Gonzalez de Molina 2


Eduardo Gonzalez de Molina 3


10th Place: David Fields – Ultramarines

Ultramarine Wal Hor


David Fields 1


David Fields 2


David Fields 3

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David Fields 4

7th Place: Austin Wingfield – Necrons

necron wal


Austin Wingfield 1Austin’s Necron list was a three detachment approach with the first being a Patrol led by a Chronomancer and an Overlord. The Chronomancer helps out by providing a re-roll charge buff to a unit each turn, while the Overlord helps by buffing nearby units move and advancing by 1″ and by giving a single unit +1 to hit each turn.

Troops bring in a 20 Necron blob, providing a decent amount of shots and enough bodies to clog up an objective.

Elites have 10 Skorpekh Destroyers which are great melee units that can really take great advantage of the Overlord and Chronomancer buffs. heavy Support Also brings in 3 Heavy Destroyers which are a long-range AP threat.

Austin Wingfield 2Finishing the first detachment is a Ghost Ark which can transport a few models and pump out a few shots every round it’s alive.

The second detachment is for the Silent King. he is simply a powerhouse of a model providing a great support piece with auras and a sizeable threat on his own if they can’t deal with it quickly. All-in-all a fantastic model.

The final detachment is an outsider led by a Technomancer, which can reanimate models, helping you squeeze out extra value from your units! Elites bring in a Canoptekt Reanimator, which buffs reanimation protocols and can add a few extra shots each turn to a target you need dead, while 6 Flayed ones serve as another melee threat while also being pretty cheap to field.

Austin Wingfield 3Fast Attacks close out the list with 6 Scarab swarms to muck up units and hopefully be efficient distraction units, while 6 Ophydian Destroyers are another huge melee threat to sneak into enemy lines and wreak havoc.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

What do you think about all three of these top 40k army lists from the Adepticon 2022 40k Champs? 

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