New Marvel Crisis Protocol Miniatures Previews: LATEST

marvel-crisis-protocol-new-previewsAtomic Mass Games teased two new Marvel Crisis Protocol miniatures with previews, and we have some guesses as to who they may be…

AMG has really kept the releases pumping out for the game, which is obviously awesome! If you haven’t made the dive into the game yet, you really should as they have a ton of really cool minis, and playing with your favorite heroes from the comics and movies is just fun.

This time around, it looks like Thanos is grabbing a few more allies, but what exactly are they going to be? Let’s check it out!

AMG Teases Two New Marvel Crisis Protocol Minis!

Marvel Crisis Protocol New Models

Minds will never be the same.

This is all they had to say about the new minis, but with the Thanos throne in the background and the look of the models, we have plenty to go off. So who are they? Well, there are really three main options, Moondragon, Supergiant, and Black Swan. We’re leaning more towards Moondragon and Black Swan, but let’s compare. 

Black Swan

Image from Marvel Fandom

If you ask us, the model on the right looks an awful lot like her, and considering she’s part of The Black Order, this would make perfect sense. She even has something in her left hand and the hair looks too close to not be this. But… we could always be wrong.

MoondragonThe model on the left looks a lot like Moondargon if you ask us, and she has plenty of powers to mess with your mind! Plus, she’s had plenty of different costume iterations, so plenty for AMG to pick from.

Image from Marvel Fandom

Another option that would make perfect sense. As another member of the Black Order and again, another character with plenty of telepathic abilities!

Who do you think these new Marvel Crisis Protocol miniatures previews are for? 

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