Two Thin Coats Paint Line Review: eBay Miniature Rescue

Two Thin Coats eBay Miniature RescueeBay Miniature Rescues is back again with another video, and this time he has a review of the new Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats Paints!

eBay Miniature Rescues is a unique channel that shows you how to take beat-up, damaged minis, and restore them to their fullest potential! It’s a relatively new channel on YouTube and it’s super fun to watch what Casey is able to do with some once hopeless miniatures. 

Be sure to check out all his stuff here! This week, he shows us something a little different, a review of the new Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats paints line! 

Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats Paint Line Review eBay Miniature Rescue

Two Thin Coats Goobertown 2The initial line has 60 paints and is being distributed by Asmodee, so we should all be seeing it very soon. While at GAMA eBay Miniature Rescue and Goobertown actually went to the booth to see what the paints are all about. They painted for a while at the show (and painted the minis above), but at the end of the convention, they sent them home with a bunch of paints!

So we get an even better review.

Initial Thoughts

Two Thin Coats 3They started by priming a ton of minis in black and white. They did a single coat on all of these and they cover pretty well, whether out of an airbrush or with a regular brush. Just to note, they were given a preproduction version of the paints, so they aren’t exactly the same. as you’ll get. They are organized into triads and have 60 paints to start with. The triads make it really easy to get a decent paint job without too much thought.

Two Thin Coats eBay Miniature Rescue 2Overall the paints look really good, but the blues are a little disappointing. However, the reds, yellows, and greens look super vibrant.

Painting the Duncan Dog

Two Thin Coats eBay Miniature Rescue 3He went for an NMM on the dog, but, the blue triad is just really desaturated. He’s not a fan of how the lighter colors look. However, the paint blends well and feels good to paint with. And in the future, they are planning on adding more colors, so hopefully, this will be taken care of.

Other Painting Experiments

Two Thin Coats eBay Miniature Rescue 4He Starts with some Titan-Forge minis and started with a purple skin through the airbrush. The paint does well in the airbrush and thins down nicely. He eventually works the skin tones up to the bright green triad, which is very vibrant. Next, he wanted to see how the metals look. He went with a medium bright silver, and they all lay down quite nicely and give good coverage. It’s not the absolute best silver he’s ever used, but it’s up there in terms of quality.

Two Thin Coats eBay Miniature Rescue 5Now, he tries to add some wet blending to the cape. They actually feel great blending together! If you want to wet blend, the built-in triads make them very easy to do this with.

Two Thin Coats eBay Miniature Rescue 6The Washes are quite dark, they look more like contrast or Speedpaint than a normal wash. Which means they are both good and bad. If you are liking how your base coats are going, he wouldn’t risk using them. It feels more like you are tinting the color than just getting into the cracks.

Further Washing Experiments

Two Thin Coats eBay Miniature Rescue 7He wanted to see how they looked directly next to contrast paints, and well, the results speak for themselves. They are much more like a contrast than a wash, even when watered down.

Final Thoughts

Two Thin Coats eBay Miniature Rescue 8These feel very deliberately designed and with the triads, they really feel like they can shape how you paint. Plus, with the way they are designed, it feels like you can try out different paint techniques more quickly than normal. Overall, the paints are high-quality and should be a good addition to your paint collection!

He’s pretty happy that he jumped on the Kickstarter, so for a first outing, this is a pretty solid start. We’ll just have to see what paint they come out with in the next wave.

Follow eBay Miniature Rescues on YouTube now!