40k Squats Leagues of Votann 40k Rules Datacards SPOTTED!

LEagues-of-votann-40k rules-newSome huge leaks are here as the 40k Leagues of Votann datacards rules have been spotted, giving us an insight into the faction!

We’ve seen a little bit from GW about the rules, but the cards give us some crazy insights into how the faction will function, keywords, core mechanics, psychic powers (looks like they have plenty of psykers), beam weapons, and much more! If you’ve been itching to see how they will approach the faction, well, then you need to check this out. 

Let’s first check out the confirmed stats from GW, then jump into all the leaks!

The First Warhammer 40k Leagues of Votann Rules!

As promised, we can now dive into the new rules previewed for the Leagues of Votann, aka the Squats, from Warhammer Community.

league of votann Hearthkyn warrior

Could this be due to a rigorous martial tradition, or a bit of technological assistance from the Votann? The answer is likely somewhere in between.

Combined with solid void-hardened armour and their knack for sticking around in close combat, these guys march in squads of up to 20 with high-tech guns blazing before charging in to mop up survivors.

Right out the gate, these new guys are pretty similar to Primaris Assault Intercessors as far as statlines are concerned, with the only major difference being -1″ movement and -1 wound in comparison.

Additionally, there are clear hints from GW about an ability to stay in close combat longer than you’d expect for a 1 wound model, so it’ll be interesting to see the squad’s abilities!

league of votann Hearthkyn warrior squad leaderThe Theyn is the Squad leader of the Hearthkyn and with an extra wound, attack, and leadership he is exactly what is respected of a squad leader! It’s slightly better, but still squarely in the same realm of power level as the rest of their squad.

Squats Leagues of Votann Datacards 40k Rules Leak!

We grabbed the pictures courtesy of Chapter Master Valrak on YouTube, showing stratagems and even psychic powers!

Leagues of Votann DatacardsFirst up, this loos to be exo-armor of some kind, which means a bigger unit possible, something maybe like a terminator style unit. However, we’re not 100% sure about that.

Votann DatacardsLet’s start with the psychic powers. They have a couple of generic type ones, but Fortify adds +1 toughness and gives a 6+ FNP, however, the most interesting power might be Grudgepyre. Why do you ask? Well, it talks about Judgement Tokens, which looks to be some core mechanic that maybe every time a unit hits one of your models, or you hit them adds to the count of tokens.

While it just kills one model, it totally kills them, but it can’t be a vehicle, monster, or character, still pretty cool to look at the new mechanic.

Votann DatacardsNext, we have some stratagems, There are a few big things to look at. First, a Votann Accelerated unit might be a jump pack type unit? As they already have keywords for their bikers.

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Then, there is a unit called Beserks, we really don’t have much info on that yet (well other than on the card it says they give themselves combat drugs), but most likely their powerful close combat unit and the stratagem let them re-roll all missed hits! Next up, are beam weapons.

We’ve seen some about this, but this stratagem basically lets you build up the beam weapons and do a ton of mortals! Then again, we see the Judgement Tokens again which lets you use them to make your units better.

Votann DatacardsIt looks like Judgement Tokens will be an extremely core mechanic, as even more stratagems use them and will really add to your power. Next, we have the keyword for Einhyr which will most likely be an elite shooting unit for the army.

Votann DatacardsThere are three big keywords to look at in these cards; biker, Grimnyr, and Hernkyn Pioneers. Grimnyrs must be some kind of characters that don’t take up HQ slots as they are put into the same category as characters, think of a single elite model that takes up a slot in your army. This also shows a little how Judgement Tokens work, as when your units are destroyed, the enemy unit gains the tokens.

Lastly, the pioneers look to be the scouts and can actually be taken off the battlefield.

Votann Datacards

Nothing too crazy on these, but it is cool your unit champions can actually take certain relics!

If you love everything Squats, check out the latest on the new Leagues of Votann below.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

Are you excited about the return of the Leagues of Votann? Will you be picking some of them up when they drop?