Malerion Rises With The Dark Elves: New GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horA new large model holding a skull is on the way in this GW rumor engine preview-  is it something for Maleroin and the Dark Elves?

Games Workshop just unveiled another new rumor engine and this time it looks like it could be a ton of different possibilities!  Check out the details of the latest model that looks to be on the way for 40k or AoS from Warhammer Community.

Click Gallery below for full-size images.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

Malerion Manifesting: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 06-28-22

This new big arm could belong to a variety of factions. We want to be optimistic about a sweet new Malerion model which has been rumored on and off since the introduction of AoS, but really this could be nearly anything. The only thing that’s clear is it’s a bigger model and probably isn’t so nice.

malerion walThere is hardly anything to go off of for a potential Malerion model, but he is extremely powerful, essentially rivaling the power of Archaon, Sigmar, and Morathi. He is a god in AoS, so it would be a huge step for players to see a physical model of such a powerful force in the lore.

That being said, there isn’t a Sigmar model either, so its possible Malerion will share his fate of never really being playable on the tabletop…

We will just have to wait and see!

Click Gallery below for full-size images.

Solve All the Latest GW Rumor Engines Here

Could this new GW Rumor Engine really be the long-awaited Malerion model?

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