Skulz Was a Redemption Program Not a Video Game Promo!

Skulz-Skulls-Games-Workshop-program-redemptionGW is rebranding skulls as a video game promo, but the old Skulz Program let you redeem points for the miniatures that you wanted!

Way back in the late 1990s and early 2000’s Games Workshop had a customer rewards program for Mail Order Customers that some of you may remember!

They called it the ‘Skulz’ program and it rocked. Rob actually managed to save up enough points to score the Adeptus Mechanicus squad which he still has to this day, but the Baneblade kit escaped him.

Look, who really thought they could have saved up 300 Skulz? If you did, congrats, you were a serious collector and we bow to your awesomeness! 

GW Flashback: The Skulz Program was Pretty Amazing!



Skulz 2When you put orders in through the mail-order system, they would give you Skulz stickers, which you could then redeem to get prizes. It wasn’t the craziest thing ever, but you could get some cool stuff.

If you like grabbing stuff through the new coin promotion, you still had the option back then to get little mementos like key chains and such and they were relatively cheap in terms of how many points you needed.

But you could redeem them for so much other stuff, and with prizes going all the way up to a free (well not free because you had to spend money first, but still…)  Forge World Baneblade! Now though, the new promotion is just focused on the video games, which we’re not bashing, but this was just so much better!

first knightClick Here To Get The New First Knight Miniature Bundle!

Skulz 3Grabbing an entire unreleased set of Admech models was really sweet! On top of that, you also received a resin coin, so you still got a coin (like you have to spend $100 for nowadays), but also received an entire unit! The mega paint set was also an awesome prize because it basically gave you every paint you could need.

Skulz 4The Inquisitor prints were also a really fun prize, nothing wrong with getting some cool artwork to go along with your minis. We can’t be the only ones who spent a little more back then to grab more prizes, can we?

There were just so many fun prizes, and these aren’t even close to everything you could get!

Did you get any of the prizes? What was your favorite offer from the whole promotion? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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