Black Library New Release: Gotrek Gurnisson In AoS

black-library-new-relases-space-marinesThe latest Black Library release is here with a fan-favorite getting an audiobook headlining the lore side of things this week.

Keep tabs on your favorite factions and characters from the worlds of Warhammer with the latest new release titles. Be sure to click here for the latest special on Audiobooks that is happening right now to score free Black Library books!

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Soulslayer (Audiobook)

Soulslayer (Audiobook)

This time around, the exceptional soul of this legendary Slayer attracts the attention of some Idoneth Deepkin who fancy trying it out for themselves. Pre-order the MP3 this coming Saturday.

Audiobooks are always great since they are perfect to listen to while doing other things! Great for those of us who don’t have time to sit down and read for extended periods in the day.

Get Your Favorite Black Library Books Cheap on Audible!

You can see this is quite the sweet deal if you want to listen to podcasts or books! Especially if you’re traveling, this is perfect to help pass the time. Here’s everything you get even at the cheaper price:

  • 1 credit a month to pick ANY title from our entire premium selection—to keep forever!
  • Stream or download 1,000s of included audiobooks, podcasts, and Audible Originals in the Plus Catalog.
  • No commitments. Cancel anytime and keep all your purchased titles.

black library on sale

Click Here To Sign up For the Discount!

If you’ve never used Audible before, the credits are really cool. You get a free book a month, on top of all the streaming stuff, that you get to keep. So just with this, you’ll get three Black Library books to keep, which is just cheaper than they actually cost.

Are you excited about these new Black Library releases?

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