GW Previews New 40k Necromunda & Kill Team Releases

new-kill-team-necromunda-summer-skirmish-previewMore new releases are coming in hot for Warhammer 40k, as both Kill Team and Necromunda got new previews for tons of miniatures!

Another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer is here! Catch all the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community, along with our commentary for all their skirmish games.

GW Summer Skirmish Preview

warhammer skirmish preview


Welcome to a sensational summer for fans of skirmish games! Whether you enjoy small-scale special ops in the grim dark future, or compact chaotic clashes in the weird and wonderful Mortal Realms, big reveals are on the way.

Tons of reveals are on the way to fill in the release schedule around the big Warhammer Fest Previews back in May.  Plus from the looks of these 9th and 10th Edition Warhammer 40k rumors, there are some very big things on the way including a loyalist Primarch and a new Starter Set.

Summer Skirmish Previews: New Warhammer 40k Kill Team Releases

First up there was an announcement for a brand new Warhammer 40k Kill Team boxset called “Into The Dark”.

Dare you brave the Gallowdark? This ancient space hulk is an amalgamation of countless ships from hundreds of civilisations. It drifts through the void, hopping in and out of the warp and realspace, and now it’s back. Factions from all over the galaxy are sending their boldest and best to plunder its innards – Welcome to Kill Team: Into the Dark.

This isn’t a new edition or anything like that, so feel free to continue all your normal warbands.  That being said there are two new Kill Teams coming in the set!

into the dark imperial navy breachers

The Gallowdark is a legendary vessel, tracked by the Imperium for centuries. The Imperial Navy Breachers are among the first to board the hulk after its latest reappearance. Also known as Voidbreachers, these elite soldiers are trained to carry out hazardous boarding actions, with gear and weapons optimised for fighting in cramped quarters of enemy ships.

As highly trained and specialized units, expect the Imperial Navy Breachers to be a pretty elite force.

into the dark kroot farstalker kindband

They aren’t the only space-faring Kill Team to have boarded the Gallowdark. A Kroot Kinband of expert trackers, sharpshooters, and guerrillas is also stalking through the hulk in search of glory, treasure, and fresh meat.

The Tau empire also has a stake in the boxset in the form of Kroot, who might just be more of a threat than we think.

into the dark terrain

As you would expect from the innards of a giant spaceship full of gloomy corridors, eerie flashing lights and inviting vents, the terrain you’ll be fighting over is a little different from previous Kill Team boxes. This set lets you create maze-like boards, full of narrow lines of sight and with sturdy doors to breach.

While we didn’t get a look at too much of the terrain, we do see a few bits and a sense of what the setting will look like!

kill team plastic floor

Towards the end of the preview for Kill Team, they also showed this picture which features what looks to be a plastic floor! Long story short, they told us all to sit tight until they have more information about it soon!

Summer Skirmish Previews: New Necromunda Releases


Goliath Mauler 1

The Goliath Mauler is the preferred light vehicle for the musclebound forge-masters of Necromunda. Trading speed and slick manoeuvrability for raw power and the ability to roll over difficult terrain – or other vehicles – the Mauler can thank its power ram and hybrid drive for getting the job done.

There is a new biker gang in the Ash Wastes, as the Goliaths are looking to tear it up in the dunes very soon!

Goliath Mauler 2

There are also two builds GW showed (that we know of) that add a little bit to the variance of the kit.

Goliath Mauler rules 1

Philosophically aligned with the Goliath’s “percussive maintenance” attitude to much of their equipment, the Mauler is a mean machine that can smash straight through the flimsier vehicles of other gangs.

With an inclination to ram and great traction, this bike will be a serious force to be reckoned with.

Goliath Mauler rules 2

With the prevalence of heavily armoured vehicles, giant bugs, and suits of exo-armour across the Ash Wastes, the Goliaths need all the mechanical muscle they can get. 

And with this stat line and special rules so far, it looks like they might have a chance battling in the Ash Wastes!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

Are you excited for these new releases for Warhammer 40k Necromunda and Kill Team that were in the latest Summer Skirmish previews?

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