How to Paint Death Guard Armor: Sergio Calvo Tutorial

Death Guard how to paintLearn how to paint Death Guard green armor with this in-depth painting tutorial from Sergio Calvo- check it out!

Sergio Calvo is one of the premier painters out there right now and has a ton of great painting tutorials (as well as awards under his belt). Each is quite in-depth and shows you how to accomplish a certain look. Most of the videos are broken down into parts for a single model, so just keep that in mind.

In this painting tutorial, we’re focusing on making Death Guard armor look amazing, with how to paint it from Sergio Calvo himself!

Be sure to follow his YouTube channel by clicking here!

Sergio Calvo Miniatures #7 | How to paint DEATH GUARD space marine | WARHAMMER 40k | NMM ARMOR

How to Paint Death Guard Armor: Sergio Calvo Tutorial

Death Guard how to paint 3Just to note here, this is about a 2-hour long video, so we’re going to break down the steps, but be sure to watch the whole video if you really want to get down all the techniques. He starts by priming the entire model black, as you can see above.

Step 1:

Death Guard how to paint 2He starts by putting Rhinox Hide in the airbrush and thins it down with airbrush thinner. He then sprays all the armor with the mix; you want to get good coverage here, but nothing too thick. He then cleans out the airbrush before moving to Dark Green and again thins it down and sprays all the armor from the top down.

Step 2:

Death Guard how to paint 4Now we’re moving to the brushwork. To start, he adds Skin Tone, Golden Yellow, Pastel Peach, and Frog Green to his wet palette. He then mixes all the colors into a fairly dark green mix. As he goes further into highlights, he will lighten the color palette.

Then he starts tracing out all the details with the color and, for flatter areas, comes through and stipples the paint on. He doesn’t paint any hard lines here; most of it is stippled on. This is a time-consuming process as going with a stippling technique always takes longer. However, it really gives you that grimy feel.

How to Paint Death Guard Armor Step 3:

Death Guard how to paint 5Now, he starts mixing more peach and yellow into the mix to brighten it up. Use this to highlight all the spots from the previous step and keep the stippling technique wherever possible, but since some of the areas are getting much smaller, he will paint some harder lines.

Step 4:

Death Guard how to paint 6Next up, he takes out almost all the green from the mix and mainly focuses on the yellows with a little bit of the frog green thrown in to keep the green tone in the mix. Again, he goes back and does an even lighter highlight of the previous two steps and adds in some extra highlights where it looks good.

Step 5:

Death Guard how to paint 7Next up, he adds some Pale Yellow to the palette and Greenish White. He mixes these two with the yellow and Frog Green from before. This will be a very light color, so when you start applying highlights with it, be sure not to go overboard and take over the effect.

With this color, he adds very small highlights to the most raised areas and uses them to enhance the streaks across the armor. He also adds silver to the tubing across the stomach and grey to highlight the armor right below the head.

Finished Armor

Death Guard how to paint 8As we said, this is a very long video, so if you want more than just the steps of how it’s done, be sure to watch the video for every little detail!

Here is the finished model using the rest of the YouTube series tutorials!

Follow Serio Calvo on YouTube Here & Instagram Here!

Have you used any techniques or painting tutorials from Sergio Calvo videos before? 

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

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Travis Pasch

Job Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!