New McFarlane Darktide 40k Action Figures: First Look

darktide-video-gameThese new McFarlane Darktide 40k action figures look amazing, and the best part is that they are always affordable!

While the figures aren’t out quite yet, it’s time to get even more excited! McFarlane has some really awesome figures for an always affordable price (when compared to the field). So, if you’re getting ready for the upcoming Imperial Guard, the video game, or Traitor releases, these models will be perfect for you. 

Darktide figures

These were spotted over on McFarlane’s Facebook in early summer and wow, these minis are awesome! As you can see, the figures themselves are just awesome. The Ogryn is obviously going to be a Megafig, which puts the Guardsman and Traitor around the same scale as the Space Marine figures (if we’re right, obviously…).

Ogryn, Traitor Guard, and Cadian Veteran Guard will join the McFarlane Toys lineup with pre-orders coming this summer

We saw a single picture of the models before, but now we have some up close and personal pics to check out. They said they are coming in summer, so hopefully it will not be much longer to wait now.

New McFarlane Darktide 40k Action Figures First Look!

McFarlane Toys just dropped their summer showcase, and the new Warhammer 40k Dark Tide action figures were center stage!

Darktide action figures 3Starting with the traitor side of things, this figure is pretty awesome! It looks like he’ll be outnumbered to start, as he has to beat a guardsman and an Ogryn!

Darktide action figures 2The Cadian is pretty cool with a giant chainsword!

Darktide action figuresProbably our favorite fig of the group, and from what they were saying, it will be a megafig. While it will be a little more expensive, but still way cheaper than any of the competition.

Plus, if you throw this guy down on the table to watch over your games, how can your small Ogryns not be motivated to smash through the enemy! Again, they said should be hitting pre-order soon, but we hope that means like next week!

Are you excited about the game? Will you be picking it or these new figures up? 

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