The End of Games Workshop’s Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horIs the time of the GW Rumor Engine coming to an end, or is it just getting changed to a different name? Check out what we know!

We’ve seen rumors through the Tuesday posts from Warhammer Community for a long time, but some recent language on the latest engine looks more than flashy rhetoric.

It might mean a big change in how GW puts out their rumors. Or, it could very well be another daily rumor calendar, like they did in December.

Is the GW Rumor Engine Coming to an End?

It turns out, no, it is not, well at least not now…

rumor engine 07-19-2022Here’s the latest picture from Warhammer Community and what they had to say:

The time has almost come, the Rumour Engine is swirling with more energy than ever before, and we’re only a few moments away from whatever grand design it has in store. Before the Dark Powers usher us into a new and brighter future, we have just one more vision of a forthcoming release to prepare us for the greatness that awaits.

Isn’t it wonderful? The warp has this and more to share – so the Engine tells us – if only we embrace it. We don’t see any downside to this, so let us know what you think this week’s Rumour Engine image is on the Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, and Warhammer Age of Sigmar Facebook pages while we get everything ready for next week’s grand ascension. 

So, while they often write these like this, this is the first time they really mention any finality. They then say next week will be the grand ascension and that only one more vision is left. To us, this feels like their way of telling us next week will be a big reveal and a change in how they reveal rumors.

We’re not exactly sure what they will switch this out with, but it could be they don’t have enough rumors waiting in the wings, or more likely, they will just change it out with something like Horus Heresy Thursday. Where instead of a rumor, we might just get a full model on Tuesday morning.

But that looks to have not happened, and really any text mentioned in these posts is just hyperbole at this point, which is unfortunate.

Technically this could still be a ton of things, though. It doesn’t scream Chaos, but it could still be, along with Skaven, Necromunda, or something else entirely.

stormverminThe proposition of the new Skaven is simply too exciting to ignore. Regarding product lineups, Skaven has some of the oldest models still in use. A huge chunk of their roster could use polish/updates. With that in mind, the Stormvermin has extremely similar polearms to this week’s rumor engine, making it one of the most likely candidates!

We will just have to wait and see!

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Solve All the Latest GW Rumor Engines Here

Do you like the Games Workshop rumor engines? What do you think they will change this with, and what do you think the grand ascension reveal will be?

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