GW Reveals More New Leagues of Votann Trikes Revealed!

leagues-of-votann-squats-trikes-are-backWe saw a single trike about a month ago, but GW just revealed a bunch of new details for the Leagues of Votann Hernkyn Pioneers!

The reveals have been steady at about one per week for the Leagues, so hopefully, we could see the book drop before too long! Either way, it’s nice to see the faction getting fleshed out, and even though we saw a single shot of the trikes, more info is always better!

Warhammer Community unveiled the trike, but we’ll also take a look at the old trike to compare them!

New Leagues of Votann Trikes Hernkyn Pioneers Revealed!

Hernkyn pioneers

Armed to the teeth with practical, yet high-tech weaponry, the Leagues dispatch Oathbands and Prospects to roam the galaxy seeking out fresh resources and mounting aggressive defense of their Holds. Roving before these expeditions are the Hernkyn Pioneers – hardy outriders dispatched for days or weeks at a time to scout ahead of the main force.

These are super cool (even though they took the wheels off) and look to have all kinds of weapon options.

Hernkyn pioneers 2

“In a lot of factions, bikers are shock troops, swift hunters, or even (in the case of Orks) just marauding speed-crazed loons,” Andy explains. “By comparison, the Hernkyn Pioneers serve as armoured cavalry. They are extremely sturdy, highly mobile, and pack a tremendous amount of firepower – which to my mind makes them a more central and powerful element of the main Kin battle lines than some other factions’ bikers.

From the sounds of it, you might have to include these as they will be super tough and have all kinds of firepower, which the guy above points to!

Hernkyn pioneers 3

Their magna-coil bikes are fast and manoeuvrable, even over the most difficult terrain or bodies of water, which might confound more conventional bikes with wheels. What’s more, they have some seriously big guns, and with their multiwave comms arrays and pan-spectral scanners they have all the supporting tech needed to operate as intelligence-gathering assets

While we love the old trikes, this fits in more with the new 40k aesthetic of floating vehicles.

Hernkyn pioneers 4

Their hand-held weaponry is similarly prosaic, with bolt pistols and shotguns, and big plasma knives. On the other hand, the bikes themselves mount weaponry that employs some of their more advanced technologies. Their variant uniforms and weaponry give a contrast to the more armoured Kin, adding texture to the range and a distinctive image to an important element of Kin society.

Hernkyn pioneers 5

Their armour style has a rounded, almost muscular feel, with additional layers and countersunk bolts that are reminiscent of the Kastelan Robot used by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Some of the Imperial weapon types usually described as ‘relics’ are more commonplace in the Leagues, and they also possess better versions of most Imperial technologies – even common ones like las weapons. Just look at the HYLas rotary cannon that can be mounted on a Hernkyn Pioneer – HYLas is short for High Yield Laser.

While we haven’t seen a ton of weapon profiles, they are giving themselves the option to put out some cool old weaponry.

Compared to the Old Trikes

Leagues of Votann New Squats 1

Leagues of Votann 4

Though the old Squat Trikes were noticeably less airborne, you can see a number of key design cues that carried over to the Hernkyn Pioneer… as well as a few places where the technology of the Leagues of Votann has clearly diverged from the Imperium. There’s no mistaking this for a Space Marine bike!

Overall, this is a pretty sweet model, and it’s cool to see them keep with that old Squats trike miniatures aesthetic for the new Leagues of Votann.

Are you excited about all the new Leagues of Votann models that are on the way, like these trikes? 

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