How to Fill Space Marine Shoulder Gaps: Lil’ Legend Tutorial

Gap FillingLearn how to fill Space Marine Shoulder Pad gaps with this easy miniatures tutorial from Lil’ Legend Studio- check it out!

Lil’ Legend Studio has a ton of great painting tutorials, and they are always easy to follow and get your minis on the table with awesome quality.

This time, though, we’re focusing on filling out shoulder pads and gaps in general, which is especially helpful for Horus Heresy miniatures! Now that the new edition is almost here, it’s time to get ready and your forces painted.

Let’s jump into the tutorial!

How to Fill Space Marine Shoulder Pad Gaps: Lil’ Legend Miniatures Tutorial

Fill gapsHe’s going to show two different quick techniques to get rid of the gapping, so let’s see how to do it!

Technique #1:

Fill gaps 2He starts with the Tamiya Extra Thin Cement, isopropyl alcohol, and some putty (but only needs the Tamiya for this technique). First, he dabs some of the extra-thin cement into the seem and over the top, making sure to cover everything. And that’s really it for this technique!

This is super simple but could leave a little bit of a line when you primer it. So, if you want to go a step further, we’ll try the other method.

Technique #2

Fill gaps 3He takes some Milliput, mixes it into a ball, and then pours a little alcohol on top. He mixes it, and it turns into somewhat of a soup; he then glides that over the top and smoothes it out with his hand. Another somewhat simple way, and in the end, you shouldn’t have any issues with gapping!

That’s just two super simple and quick ways to get rid of those annoying seem lines! If you dont like either of those, you can always try using some Vallejo Plastic Putty as well.

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