More New Forge World Horus Heresy Upgrade Kits

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityNew Forge World Horus Heresy pre-orders for the World Eaters and Space Wolves upgrade kits are here- check it out!

If you play any of these legions, this might be the release for you. This week, there really isn’t much for the other main games, but plenty of ways to upgrade your minis!

Forge World Horus Heresy Pre-Orders for the World Eaters & Space Wolves

These are all on pre-order, but we all know it’s better to get in early and not miss out. So if you want any of this stuff, be sure to get those hobby dollars ready.

World Eaters MKVI Heads: $23

World Eaters upgrades 2

This set of 11 resin heads from Forge World contains five unique designs which will fit the new plastic Mark VI Tactical Squads. There are three sets of three crested helms for the rank-and-file, plus one slightly more ostentatious one for a squad leader, and a leering bare head replete with Butcher’s Nails.

World Eaters MKVI Shoulder Pads: $23

World Eaters upgrades 3

These helmets will pair delightfully with a set of 10 resin shoulder pads which are also forthcoming for the World Eaters from Forge World. There are five designs in total – you get two of each – all embossed with slightly more subtle Legion iconography than you’ll see on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium. 

Space Wolves MKVI Heads: $23

Horus Heresy Pre-Orders Space Wolves

The Space Wolves also get the helmet treatment with this set of 11 resin heads for your MKVI Tactical Squads. There are four options – seven of one helmet design, two with gems, one officer’s helmet with a top-knot, and one bare head with suitably feral facial hair.

These got some serious memage when they were announced, but hey, if you think they look cool, don’t let that stop you!

Space Wolves MKVI Shoulder Pads: $23

Horus Heresy Pre-Orders Space Wolves

Complete the Fenris look with this set of 10 resin shoulder pads embossed with the Space Wolves Legion symbol, compatible with the MKVI Tactical Squads. There are two copies each of five designs. 

Click Here to Get Your Horus Heresy Pre-Orders For Space Wolves & World Eaters

Again, these didn’t get a ton of love on the reveal, but they are pretty interesting, if nothing else!

Will you be picking any of these up? Which is your favorite? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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