New 40k FAQ Brings Big Changes to Engagement Range!

Games-Workshop-new-faq-warhammer-40kWhile this might be small (regarding how many things changed), this Warhammer 40k FAQ to Engagement Range is huge- check it out!

This is one of the more frustrating FAQs in a while for two different reasons. First, they didn’t actually put anything in magenta or highlighted anything, they just took out a few sentences that really made a big change.

Secondly, their FAQ page has been down for weeks now, so you have to follow the direct link instead of just going to the normal FAQ page.

gw faq 404 page

GW recently dropped a few Codex FAQs, which you can check out here, but since this changes the game for everyone, it’s a big deal.  If you want to download the new FAQ, you can here, remember since nearly a month their main FAQ page has been down (or unpublished)

Let’s jump into the changes!

New 40k FAQ Brings Big Changes to Engagement Range!

Orks-FAQ-warhammer 40k

While a model is within 1″ of an Area Terrain feature with this trait (e.g. Ruins) and the shortest line between it and an enemy model crosses over or through this terrain feature, then while those models are within 2″ horizontally and 5″ vertically of each other, they are within Engagement Range of each other.

This is the line taken out by the FAQ, and while they don’t really show that at all, it makes a huge impact, we just wish they would show something to indicate what changed.

Either way, this rule has always been a bit of a nightmare. While in some ways this made some sense, it never really panned out in a cohesive way on the tabletop; the old way of doing things just seems easier. Well, maybe not the easiest thing ever, but better than this!

It seemed like no one liked this rule anyway and lots of tournaments tried their best to change them or sometimes almost ignore them altogether.

Long story short, we’re glad to see it go!

You can download the full thing here and check out all the changes!

Click Here For All  The Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you think about the changes? Are you glad they made this change to engagement range? 

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