New Grimdark Terrain STLs From Corvus Terrain!

Grimdark Terrain STLs featureThe new grimdark terrain STLs from Corvus Terrain will get you all kinds of files and let you build full tables of terrain!

Corvus has put out a ton of cool files through both Kickstarter and just their site, so if you’re looking for great STLs, they are a good point to start.

Today, we’ll be checking out their new Grimdark stuff, but they have so much more than this, so be sure to go check them out for everything!

Grimdark Starbase Epsilon Modular Set: €15.00

Grimdark Terrain STLsWith this, you get everything you need to make an awesome modular setup in one buy! Here’s what they have to say about the set:

A set of 3D printable modular Starbase Epsilon space station / grimdark hive terrain scaled for 28mm – 34mm scifi tabletop wargaming.

Grimdark Terrain STLs 2

The set features 4 pillar designs which attach to the supplied walls using a ‘T-Slot’ system allowing you to build a variety of dense and dangerous layouts.
Walls come in two lengths and have a simple modular system of interchangeable slot-in options. 30 slot-in wall designs are included as well as large optional drop-in doorway.
A set of 10 OpenLOCK compatible 6×6 floors are also included allowing you to build modular and dynamic gaming boards.

Grimdark Starbase Epsilon Machinery Scatter: €8.00

Grimdark Terrain STLs 3Here’s what they have to say about this set:

A set of 3D printable Starbase Epsilon Industrial Machinery Scatter terrain scaled for 28mm – 34mm sci-fi tabletop wargaming. Perfect for industrial-themed skirmish gaming layouts.

Grimdark Terrain STLs 4Dimensions:

  • Electrical Servicing Unit – 55mm x 52mm x 91mm
  • Power Regulator – 136mm x 55mm x 46mm
  • Processing Unit – 116mm x 89mm x 97mm
  • Thermic Release Processer – 67mm x 67mm x 100mm
  • Tubrine Unit – 120mm x 100mm x 55mm

That does it for this one; now get yourself some awesome terrain STLS!

Click Here to Get Your Grimdark Terrain STLs!