New Kasrkin 40k Kill Team Shadowvaults Sprues Revealed!

kasrkin-sprues-kill-team-shadowvaultsGW just revealed pictures of the new Kasrkin and Necron upgrade sprues in the new Kill Team Shadowvaults box- check it out!

With the box going up for pre-order this weekend, it’s nice to be able to see what sort of sprues you’ll be scoring in the box! They even showed off some of the scatter terrain as well, so plenty to sink your teeth into!

New Kasrkin 40k Kill Team Shadowvaults Sprues Revealed!

The pics of all the new sprues come from Warhammer Community, so you know this is what you’ll actually be getting. Let’s check it out!



KasrkinDuring the preview, they talked about how versatile the kit is going to be, so now we get to see if that’s really the truth or not.

Kasrkin Sprues


Kasrkin Sprues 2


Kasrkin Sprues 3

The new Kasrkin sprues have enough weapon options to defend an entire planet from Abaddon’s attacks. Too soon? There are two plasma guns, two meltaguns, two grenade launchers, two flamers, two hot-shot volley guns, and all the parts needed to make a vox-trooper, recon-trooper, demo-trooper, sharpshooter, and combat medic.

They have many weapon options, plenty of heads, and tons of posing options. We’re not sure how you can actually equip them in the new codex, but with all the options, hopefully, you can make the squad however you want. Chances are you might have to find extra bits somewhere else to equip them with one weapon choice or another fully.

Still, it’s cool to see a big multi-part kit for them and obviously more options than before!

Necrons Hierotek Upgrade Sprue

Necron Hierotek Circles


Necron Hierotek CirclesGenerally, when they do the upgrade sprues, the existing kit will get upgraded in about a couple of months. Unfortunately, at a little higher price, you do get more sprues.

Necron upgrade sprues


Necron upgrade sprues 2

The new Necron kill team is based on the existing Immortals/Deathmarks kit, and it comes with a new upgrade sprue which lets you build an Apprentek, a Plasmacyte Reanimator, and a Plasmacyte Accelerator. There are also parts to upgrade an Immortal into a Despotek and alternate heads for the Deathmarks.

Getting new heads and being able to make new models is always nice, but as we said, it’s not as cool as brand-new minis!

Do you like the new Kasrkin sprues? Are you happy with the Necrons side of things? 

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