Geno Tyrants 3D STL Files Take it Back to the Beginning!

Geno TyrantsThese new Geno Tyrants make for some amazing Horus Heresy alternatives and will let you customize an awesome army! 

The hobby maniacs at Reptillian Overlords have a pretty dope Miniature Subscription service. Here’s what you need to know about it!

Subscription Details:

reptillain overlords miniature subGet exactly what you need out of a miniature subscription

Reptilian Overlords

Welcome to the Reptilian Overlords Miniature Subscription! For the past two years, we’ve been creating the highest quality resin miniatures and conversion bits you could find anywhere! Now we’re making those bits available to download and print on your home 3D printer.

Rep Overlords SubWith the Miniature Subscription, you’ll be well-stocked with the best quality bits at a reduced price. Imagine being able to print out entire armies for the cost of a couple of lattes each month.Rep Overlords Sub

Each month we’ll be working on exciting new releases in the Sci-fi and fantasy genres and you’ll be able to follow along and participate in the process in our Development Blog over on the posts page. Your input and participation have really helped make our miniatures better so I love showing you what’s in the works and hearing what you have to say.

Geno Tyrants: $30.00 (or 3 Credits)

Geno Tyrants


Geno Tyrants 2


Geno Tyrants 3


Geno Tyrants 4


Geno Tyrants 5


Geno Tyrants 6


Geno Tyrants 7


Geno Tyrants 8


Geno Tyrants 9


Geno Tyrants 10Let’s hear what they have to say about the new files:

The Geno Tyrants are superhuman warriors created by the Space Lich to serve in his Lich Legions and aid him in his quest to bring order and enlightenment to the galaxy. Monstrous brutes encased in heavy power armor and wielding gigantic weapons that can hardly be lifted by a mortal man, they are an unstoppable force to match the implacable will of their creator.

This glorious introductory set will allow you to create your own legions of Geno Tyrants and includes many bits and accessories to create a variety of Tyrant legions.

Contained within these sacred zip files and folders of untapped potential there are both supported and unsupported stls. Additional poses for legs and arms can be achieved by mirroring stls in your slicer.  In order to fit the arms into the torso sockets they must bend slightly outward during assembly. Brittle resins such as water washable styles are not recommended. Any resin with characteristics similar to Sirayatech Fast or ABS like resin are highly recommended.

  • 5 leg poses
  • 4 torsos
  • 15 heads
  • 24 rifle arms
  • 3 styles of shoulder paldron
  • 9 Accessories and close combat weapons

If you’re a fan of what Reptilian Overlords has been up to, check out more of their stuff here. That does it for these awesome new minis! Now go get these incredible files and join the subscription service!

Click Here to Get Your Files!

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