Horus Heresy Is On Life Support Already With 50% Off Sales…

horus-heresy-icon-logo-wal-hor-titleStores are already discounting Horus Heresy products by up to 50%, as the game may be dying due to a lack of core item availability and interest.

GW really hyped up Horus Heresy, and at the beginning, there was a ton of value to be had with the big starter box. However, since then, they have sort of dropped the ball, and really a lot of the momentum has seemed to slow for the game. 

Horus Heresy On Life Support With 50% Off Sales…

50% off Horus Heresy dying

If you want to hop on these deals (and are in the UK), then this is actually good news for you! You can grab a ton of Horus Heresy products for huge discounts from Wayland Games here!

However, some stores we have polled here in the states also have been running in-store unadvertised discounts on Horus Heresy recently as well. Since retailers have to adhere to GW’s MAPP policy in the US, they are not able to advertise discounts over 15% on any current Games Workshop product.

50% off Horus HeresyIt looks like the thing that is still selling is the starter box. This totally makes sense as you get a ton of value with it, so we’re not too surprised to see that at only 30%.

However, so much of the other products range from 30% to 50%. If you haven’t worked in retail, discounts like these almost always mean it’s not selling.

It’s a convenient way to clear out stock and give the customer some serious value!

50% off Horus Heresy 2Some of the more wanted items, such as the Terminators, are only 30% off, but still, a huge portion of the line is super discounted, and that means it’s just not moving. This might also come down to the fact that GW sold out of all the core items in basically weeks and still hasn’t restocked…

Cursed cityCursed City is also super discounted, which is funny thinking just how much it went for on the secondary market when it was first released. However, this is yet another boxed game Games Workshop sort of dropped the ball on. Either way, if you want the game, might as well grab it from here and save some cash!

The Game is Suffering Due To Slow Restocks

Sold OutCore items for Horus Heresy that provides actual value, such as the extra Contemptor arms (so you don’t have to buy a whole new kit), are all out of stock.  While it was nice for a little while that GW went the other way and actually provided some extra value for the kits, they haven’t been in stock since the launch.

While the transfer sheets aren’t too worrying, simple things have been out of stock basically from the beginning, and the Forge World alternatives for key units are just too expensive to really make them viable. Right now, there are three pages of sold-out items. 

Sold Out 2


Sold Out 3More simple and core units that have been out of stock for months here in the states are just slowing down any hype the game had for new players. Really, it’s disappointing to see something hyped as much as Games Workshop did with Horus Heresy and then just not have over half the range available for the majority just months later (as of this writing).

Now with companies discounting Horus Heresy products up to 50% already, that’s not a good sign. Sales like that always mean the products are not moving; however, they are for early Black Friday deals.

That being said, 50% off sales on Games Workshop products is almost unheard of unless that particular game is dying, and we hope that is not the case for Horus Heresy…

Let’s hope GW is able to get core items back in stock for consumers to play because it would be really sad to see the game fall off so fast.

Have you been playing Horus Heresy or seen people playing; is it dying in your area? 

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