GW Reveals New Imperial Guard Aegis Defense Line

new-imperial-guardGW just revealed the new Imperial Guard Aegis Defense Line terrain piece and some about how it stands up to other fortifications!

We saw this in the codex but weren’t sure if it would have a dedicated model or was just part of the old Wall of Martyr’s kit, but we know for sure now!

While the rules for it aren’t the craziest thing ever, it should help keep your humans safe! They mention the kit is modular, so you’ll have a few different ways to set it up on the battlefield.

Luckily, we also have the rules and points for this from the Imperial Guard codex, so we’ll have those below too.

Let’s take a closer look!

New Imperial Guard Aegis Defence Line Revealed By GW!

Warhammer Community revealed a new Aegis Defence Line kit that had been seen in the Imperial Guard codex.

Aegis Defence Line

The Astra Militarum has been defending the Imperium for millennia, and in that time they’ve developed more than a few ways of shoring up the home front. Fancy forcefields are all well and good, but for the final word in battlefield protection you need something economical and reliable – a nice solid trench system like the Aegis Defence Line.

The battlefield architects of the Astra Militarum have designed a brand new incarnation of this classic Fortification – a modular model kit that’s an absolute joy to deploy.

The kit itself looks pretty cool; we’ll have to see the price before making any final judgments. Especially considering this is only 40 points. Either way, it will make for an excellent terrain piece, especially with how modular it appears.

Aegis Defence Line 2

The Aegis Defence Line will be available to pre-order soon, alongside plenty of other releases from the new Codex: Astra Militarum. 

While they don’t give an exact date, we hope they do the release similar to Votann and just put everything out at once instead of piecemealing it over a couple of months.

Plus, another cool bonus would be if it is compatible with the Wall of Martyr’s terrain kits as well.

Aegis Defence Line Rules

Aegis Defence Line rules 2

Purpose-built cover will keep your soldiers far safer than any random assortment of tyres and broken engines. Sure, crude Ork junkers may find it helpful to fiddle with their ramshackle war machines, but the Hammer of the Emperor has no need for “custom jobs” – STC technology is already perfect.

Aegis Defence Line rulesThis can’t be hurt or destroyed like a lot of the fortifications, so just for the rest of the game, any unit you hide behind this will have a buff against AP and the benefits of cover!

Aegis Defence Line pointsLast but not least, this only costs 40 points, so if you can get some crucial units behind it, a pretty good pickup!

Here’s the most up-to-date how-to-play review of the new Imperial Guard codex rules- click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Imperial Guard codex!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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