GW Reveals New Black Library Releases For 2023

Black-Library-New-releases-primaris-gargantsGW has revealed some new Black Library offerings for 2023 and what to expect in the year moving forward- check it out!

It looks like GW really wants us to know what’s happening in 2023, as this was their third preview at the time of what to expect. Hey, nothing wrong with getting some new previews! This time, it’s all about audiobooks coming next year, and there are already a bunch of them!

If you love listening to your books, this is great as some pretty big and interesting characters are involved this time. Let’s take a closer look!

GW Reveals New Black Library For 2023

This was revealed in this Warhammer Community post.

Black Library 2023

We start with books 10 and 11 of the Gaunt’s Ghosts series. Armour of Contempt has the Tanith First and Only return to the embattled world of Gereon, only to find its people tainted – perhaps irreversibly – by the dark powers they seek to repel, while Only in Death tasks Gaunt with defending a critical pass from enemies outside and ghosts within. 

We all love Gaunt’s Ghosts, and listening to them on audiobook is a great way to go.

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The Astra Militarum stories continue with Choose Your Enemies, the triumphant return of Ciaphas Cain and the Valhallan 597th. Their task to purge Chaos influence from a string of worlds is fraught with danger, but perhaps less than the heroes of Fifteen Hours – a story so named for the life expectancy of the unfortunate Guardsmen fighting their first-ever battle.

This all lines up with the new Guard release, so it will be great to get some listening/reading in while working on your new army!

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More legendary characters continue their sagas with Manslayer and Elfslayer, the ninth and tenth novels in the beloved Gotrex and Felix series. The wars against Chaos engulf the Old World, and a trip aboard the mighty airship Spirit of Grungni begins a series of unfortunate events involving cultists, wizards, and the nefarious Dark Elves.

These are just super fun series! If you want some wild fantasy action, these are perfect.

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Back in the 41st Millennium, Ragnar Blackmane’s story begins in Space Wolf, William King’s venerable epic charting the rise of the now-infamous Wolf Lord. Njall Stormcaller meanwhile appears in Chris Wraight’s Stormcaller, as the Rune Priest arrives to reinforce his comrades on the plague-wracked world of Ras Shakeh.

Space Wolf books are always fun as listening about the crazy Vikings of the future is awesome!

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Finally, three more Space Marine audiobooks complete the list. The Uriel Ventris saga reaches its incredible climax in The Chapter’s Due, Grey Knights battle Angron for the fate of Armageddon in The Emperor’s Gift, and seven Black Templars tales come together in the action-packed anthology Crusaders of Dorn.

To finish the preview, we’ll get three more Space Marines stories!

Get Your Black Library Books For Cheaper

If you want to get some free books (and these when they drop), Audible Premium Plus always gives you free Black Library books with your monthly sub.

black library on sale

Click Here To Get Black Library Books Cheap on Audible!

What audiobook are you the most excited about in 2023 from Black Library?

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