New Lord of The Rings Movies Starting Next Year!

By Travis Pasch | February 24th, 2023 | Categories: Lord of The Rings, Pop Gamer Culture

lord-of-the-rings-new-moviesMore Lord of the Rings movies are on the way as Embracer Group inked a new deal with New Line Cinema and Warner Bros!

Embracer group (who also owns game maker Asmodee) has partnered with New Line Cinema and Warner Bros Pictures to bring more LotR to life. From the sounds of it, they will be exploring more around the world of LotR and not just remaking the two current trilogies.

If you’re a fan of LotR on the big screen, this should be exciting as New Line made the original movies (well, not the old animated movies). 

Multiple movies are already in the works, but the first will be an animation taking place about 183 years before the events in LotR.

Embracer Group Inks Deal With New Line & Warner Bros For More LotR Movies

Embracer Lord of the RingsLet’s start with the actual partnership and then get into the new movie lineup. This comes from Embracer:

Through its wholly-owned subsidiary Middle-earth-Enterprises, part of the operative group Freemode, has together with New Line Cinema and Warner Bros. Pictures concluded a multi-year agreement to collaborate on feature films based on “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit”. The strategic agreement covers multiple feature films based on the revered works of J.R.R. Tolkien, expanding upon the much-loved world and characters of Middle-earth.

The first movie (which will be animated) in line will be all about the fate of the House of Helm Hammerhand, the legendary King of Rohan, in the movie titled: The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim. This takes place 183 years before the events of LotR (the movie is set to drop on April 12, 2024).

It’s interesting to see them choose an animated movie as their first choice, but when you look at the Clone Wars for Star Wars, it is many people’s favorite, so maybe this is a good idea to set themselves apart from both LotR (that New Line made) and The Rings of Power.

However, things aren’t going to stop there with just one movie. 

Twenty years ago, New Line took an unprecedented leap of faith to realize the incredible stories, characters and world of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ on the big screen. The result was a landmark series of films that have been embraced by generations of fans. But for all the scope and detail lovingly packed into the two trilogies, the vast, complex and dazzling universe dreamed up by J.R.R. Tolkien remains largely unexplored on film. The opportunity to invite fans deeper into the cinematic world of Middle-earth is an honor, and we are excited to partner with Middle-earth Enterprises and Embracer on this adventure.

Embracer Lord of the Rings 2As they say, there is so much surrounding the stories, and plenty of amazing movies could be made. We’ll have to wait and see how they handle the source material, as The Hobbit movies have had a very mixed reception… but the other trilogy is still very much beloved.

Either way, if you love LotR, this could be an exciting collaboration moving forward.

Are you excited to see new Lord of the Rings movies? Do you like that the first movie is going to be an animation? 

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