One Ork Rises In This Week’s New Black Library Release

By Andrew Schrank | March 19th, 2023 | Categories: Uncategorized

black-library-new-relases-space-marinesThe latest Black Library release is here, spotlighting the fight to be the next Ork Warboss for the lore side of things this week.

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Warboss Retail Price: $27


With only one bastion still standing on the once unconquerable fortress world of Aranua, Warboss Gazrot Goresnappa should be basking in the light of impending victory. Instead, he lies ‘proppa dead’ beneath a decapitated Gargant’s head.

The biggest and baddest bosses from each of the six (no-longer-united) clans step forward to duke it out to become the next warboss – but the ork gods have other plans. A prophecy foretells of a mysterious gate that lies beneath the human city. The one true warboss will be the first to find it, and will use it to turn the galaxy green. Da Genrul of the Blood Axes knows only he is worthy, but it seems Evil Sunz Speedboss Zagnob and Goff Big Boss Mag Dedfist didn’t get the memo. And to add insult to injury, nor did the leader of the grot uprising, the one true prophet of Gork and Mork (or so he claims), Snaggi Littletoof, who seeks to use this opportunity to turn the tide of grot oppression.

Who will the green gods deem worthy?

Written by Mike Brooks.

Read up on Ork lore and stories with this new book spotlighting a Warboss.

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