New Horus Heresy Despoiler Squad Upgrades Revealed By GW!

horus-heresy-icon-logo-wal-hor-titleGW has revealed new Horus Heresy Despoiler Squad upgrades to turn your normal marines into chainsword-wielding melee monsters!

It’s nice to see about three weeks in a row with more than just head and torso upgrades! However, they do mention this will actually be from Forge World, which means they will be in resin.

This means the majority of all the upgrades are resin, so just something to keep in mind.

Horus Heresy Despoiler Squad Upgrades 3You can either use this pack for Tactical Marines or just use it to upgrade a bunch of your sergeants or characters. Let’s take a closer look at the new upgrades!

New Horus Heresy Despoiler Squad Upgrades Revealed By GW!

The upgrades come from this Warhammer Community post.

Horus Heresy Despoiler Squad Upgrades

Now you can get that close combat feel with the forthcoming Despoiler Squad upgrade set from Forge World. This resin pack comes with five arms with chainswords and five with bolt pistols for your MKVI plastic Space Marines. Aspiring commanders can use it to build brutal Despoiler squads to scythe through enemy lines.

It’s always nice to get more chainswords in the mix! However, it only has enough for 7 (if you include the axe and two-handed sword) in each, so if you want some bigger squads, you might need to pick up a decent number of these.

Horus Heresy Despoiler Squad Upgrades 2

There’s also a two-handed heavy chainsword for those tougher nuts, and a crackling power axe, which you may also field as a Charnabal. You can even use these arms to add saw-toothed spice to other Tactical Squads and kitting out your Sergeants, Command Squads and Veteran Squads.

These upgrades all look good, and you could grab one or two of these to upgrade your sergeants. However, they also mention something coming soon.

And don’t worry, more plastic infantry is in production – the Age of Darkness isn’t just about tanks!

We’ve heard a lot of rumors, but hopefully, this means more extensive plastic kits soon!

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Will you be picking this up when it drops? Do you like the idea of more upgrade kits?

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