Paint a World Eaters Army Fast: Peachy Painting Tutorial

Paint a World Eaters ArmyLearn how to paint a World Eaters Army Fast with this awesome how-to tutorial from Peachy and the Painting Phase.

Peachy has recently joined the Painting Phase and started making excellent YouTube tutorials! They also have a really cool Patreon, so if you want to show some extra support and get great rewards, go check that out by clicking here!

This week, we’ll look at how to quickly paint three different World Eaters units! The main focus will be the Berzerkers and the Jakahls; let’s see how to do it.

Paint a World Eaters Army Fast: Peachy Painting Tutorial

Paint a World Eaters Army 2He starts by spraying the Berzerkers gold and the Jakhals Grey; this will take out a lot of work of painting the trim! Also, this is for painting the whole Combat Patrol, so he does every step on every model and then moves on.

Step 1:

Paint a World Eaters Army 3First, he drybrushes all the gold with Stormhost Silver. For the red armor, he then applies Flesh Tearers Red to all the armor. This will take a while, as there is a lot of red armor to paint! To tidy up the rime, he goes to AK gold and cleans it up.

After that, he shades the entire model with Reikland Fleshshade, takes a big brush, and coats everything. Then, he coats it with Black Legion, slightly watered-down for all the black. He does a quick coat with Iron Hands Steel for all the silver.

Step 2:

Paint a World Eaters Army 4Onto the skin (and skulls), he starts with Rakarth Flesh and then covers it with Reikland Fleshshade. To make the skulls stand out a little more, he washes them with Skeleton Horde. For the glowing effects (like plasma pistols), he first paints them with Bold Titanium White. He coats it with Striking Scorpion Green, and you’re good to go!

Step 3 & Finished Berzerkers:

He does a quick highlight with German Grey for the leather, so it doesn’t look boring. Then comes back and highlights the flesh with Rakarth Flesh. That’s really it, and you will have some great-looking World Eaters in no time!

Painting the Jakhals

Paint a World Eaters Army 6He starts with a heavy drybrush of Rakarth Flesh over the gray undercoat. Then for the pants and hair, he takes a slightly thinned-down coat of Flesh Tearers Red and does a couple of quick coats. Now, he takes Black Legion and hits all the leather weapon cases and such.

Then he uses Iron Hands Steel in a heavy drybrush for the silver details. Next up is AK Gold from before for all the gold details. To finish this step off, he washes the whole thing with Reikland Fleshshade.

Paint a World Eaters Army 7For the skulls, he washes them with Skeleton Horde and then picks out all the pipes and tubes with Bold Titanium White. Then does a coat with Striking Scorpion Green to get that nice glowing effect.

Paint a World Eaters Army 8Now, it’s time to base your minis!

Basing Your Models

He starts with Dry Ground from AK and puts this all over the base and slightly onto the feet. He waters it down a hair, but it’s a simple way to get it done! One last thing to finish the models off, he goes back and sponges some blood onto the weapons, but that’s up to you!

They also paint up the Juggernaut, but the steps are very similar to the Berzerker, so be sure to check out the video below for all the details!

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