Alternative Imperial Guard Backpacks Arrive From Anvil Industry!

Alternative Imperial Guard Backpacks 2Upgrade your Imperial Guard with these awesome new alternative backpacks from the hobby maniacs at Anvil Industry- check it out!

Anvil Industry has a ton of really excellent Guard and human alternatives! This time, it’s something a little different but no less awesome. If you’ve been looking for alternative packs for your Guard, these might be perfect and are pretty affordable! 

Like with all of their releases, if you hop on the new stuff early enough, you also get a discount. Nothing wrong with saving some cash! Also, they have way more than we’ll look at today, so even if these aren’t up your alley, they probably have something for you!

Alternative Imperial Guard Backpacks From Anvil Industry!

Alternative Imperial Guard BackpacksAs we said, they have dozens and dozens of items just for packs, but we’ll look at some of our favorites below! Just keep in mind these are resin, but you can also get the STL files.


Alternative Imperial Guard Backpacks 3


Alternative Imperial Guard Backpacks 4

  • This product is a set of Five All-Purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment – ALICE Frame backpacks/rucksacks with Hazmat Bags. 
  • The set features five unique components, each approx 10-12mm tall and wide (including side pockets).
  • They are ideal for use with any of our Regiments figures or virtually any 28mm heroic scale figure. 


Alternative Imperial Guard Backpacks 5


Alternative Imperial Guard Backpacks 6

  • This product is a set of Five Sci-Fi Hardshell Backpacks. 
  • The set features five components, each approx 10-12mm tall and wide.
  • They are ideal for use with any of our Regiments figures or virtually any 28mm heroic scale figure. 


Alternative Imperial Guard Backpacks 8


Alternative Imperial Guard Backpacks 7

  • This product is a set of Five Modern Assault Packs 
  • The set features five components, each approx 9-10mm tall and wide.
  • They are ideal for use with any of our Regiments figures or virtually any 28mm heroic scale figure. 
  • Note that if you purchase these as an add-on to any of our full Regiments Units, you can do so at a significantly lower price compared to purchasing them here.

If you love Anvil Industry, check out what else they have been up to!

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