New GW Tournaments & Events Announced For Summer 2023!

gw-tournaments-are-backNew Games Workshop and Warhammer World tournaments are coming for the summer of 2023; check out everything you can get tickets for!

Games Workshop events and Warhammer World tournaments are still here, with plenty of stuff for the majority of the games out there!

More GW Tournaments & Warhammer Events Announced For Summer 2023!

warhammer world

Games Workshop announced that a few of their major games, Horus Heresy, 40k, Blood Bowl, and Age of Sigmar, will each have dedicated Warhammer tournaments and days in Nottingham at Warhammer World.

So if you are a UK hobbyist, be sure to keep an eye open when the tournament tickets go on sale if you are interested. Don’t worry; we’ll also look at the US tournaments below.

Be sure to check out these articles before attending your first or next events:

Age of Sigmar Doubles

GW events Summer 2023 2

Team up with a pal and bring your wrath to the Age of Sigmar in the Throne of Skulls Doubles Tournament, which features five battles over the course of two days, and also has awards for awesome-looking armies and good sportsmanship.

Doubles make for some of the best events, and getting to play games with a friend is always a plus. The tournament will take place From July 8th-9th, 2023

Get details and tickets here

Warhammer 40k Doubles

GW events Summer 2023


If the guns and grit of the 41st Millennium are more your style, take part in a Throne of Skulls Doubles Tournament for Warhammer 40,000. Just find a willing partner, craft the best-looking army you can, and test your mettle in five games across two days.

Doubles are always super fun, so if you want a little more laid-back experience, this is the place to go. The tournament will take place From July 29th-30th, 2023.

Get details and tickets here

Horus Heresy Doubles

GW tournaments 2023 summer

Fight side to side with your most trusted partner in the Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness Throne of Skulls Doubles Tournament. You’ll need to prove your martial prowess in five games taking place over two days, and make sure your heraldry is in tip-top shape to scoop those coveted hobby awards.

They aren’t going to leave out doubles for Horus Heresy, so get your armies together and go play!

Get details and tickets here

Blood Bowl 7s

GW tournaments 2023 summer 2

Wash your mouthguard and brush up on your pitchside knowhow ahead of the Blitzing Sevens Tournament for Blood Bowl 7s. This one-day event is for new hobbyists and experienced veterans alike to prove their worth over four close-fought matches in the bloodiest sport around.

7’s is a really fun way to go play the game, and since this is a one-day tournament, you might as well break out the minis and go!

Get details and tickets here

Blood Bowl Quick Snap Cup

GW tournaments 2023 summer 3

You can pack in even more Blood Bowl fun with the Quick Snap Cup. All the excitement and drama of a league is condensed into a swift and savage three-game tournament, suitable for both beginners and seasoned pros.

You’ll get the full league experience in three games, so it should be a ton of fun!

Get details and tickets here

Dungeon Bowl Tournament

GW tournaments 2023 summer 4

Trade the gridiron for the dank depths of the dungeons under the College of Magic in a special three-game event at Dungeon Bowl: Welcome to the Dungeon.

It’s a full weekend of Blood Bwol; if you play the game, they will have something for you!

Get details and tickets here

Games Workshop events and Warhammer World tournaments are still here, with plenty of stuff for the majority of the games out there! Plus, Warhammer Fest 2023 is shaping up to be the biggest we’ve seen in a really long time.

Warhammer Fest 2023

Warhammer Fest 2023

Forget what you know about Warhammer Fests of yore – 2023’s event will be the largest, most incredible celebration of the Warhammer hobby the world has ever seen. Taking place at the 10,000-capacity Manchester Central venue, this unmissable event will immerse you in the Warhammer universe with fun, interactive experiences while you catch huge new reveals and enjoy live entertainment in an 800-seat auditorium. 

Get details and tickets here

Middle Earth Team Championship

GW Warhammer World Events 2

Build an alliance of Good or Evil with three friends and take part in a five-game casual team tournament across a weekend in the Middle-earth™ Team Championships 2023.

If you want to get together with some friends and take over Middle Earth, this will be the event for you!

Get your tickets here!

Legion Recruits

GW Warhammer World Events 3

Gamers aged 16 and under can get stuck in at the Warhammer 40,000: Legion Recruits event. There will be three custom battles in one day, as well as painting clinics, a scavenger hunt, and a Warhammer 40,000 quiz.

If you want to get your kids into the hammer, this is a great way to do it!

Get your tickets here!

Chamber Initiates

GW Warhammer World Events 4

Younger players can explore the thrilling world of matched play in the Mortal Realms at the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Chamber Initiates event. You’ll play three custom games over one day, with extra activities including painting clinics, a scavenger hunt, and a quiz that will test your knowledge of Warhammer lore. 

If they are having one for 40k, you know they are also going to have one for AoS!

Get your tickets here!

Arks of Omen Tournament

GW Warhammer World Events 5

Take on the Arks of Omen with an elite strike force at a one-day, 1,000-point matched play tournament using the Chapter Approved – Arks of Omen: Grand Tournament Mission Pack. There’s even a prize for the best painted army.

If you want to play a tournament with the new rules, this is going to be a great way to do it!

Get your tickets here!

Kill Team Into the Gallowdark

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Brace for boarding! This one-day Kill Team tournament uses the Critical Operations: Gallowdark Mission Pack and has an award for the best painted Kill Team on the day.

One-day tournaments are always fun, and you should be able to get plenty of games in and see if you’re up to par!

Get your tickets here!

Bay Area Open 2023 May 27-28th, 2022

Bay Area Open 2023 FeatureIf you’ve been itching to play in an event, well, then you want to go to this event! BAO 2023 will have all kinds of tournaments like 40k, AoS, Kill Team, and more. Things have been kicking into high gear lately, so don’t sit around and miss out, as the tickets are sure to sell out fast.

The event will take place May 27-28th, 2022, at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront (which has been changed from last year to have more space), so there’s still time if you need to book a room, but if you live near there, this is a no-brainer. 

You can grab your tickets to the event here. Let’s look at some of the details.

Let’s hear what they have to say about the event, and a little about how to grab your tickets:

Come and join us for the event that started it all here at Frontline Gaming, the Bay Area Open! The BAO is the longest-running FLG event and will be significantly growing in size for 2023 and we are adding some additional game systems as well!

This two-day event will take place over May 27-28th, 2023 in the beautiful meeting space of the San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront (located in Burlingame, CA – just outside the San Francisco airport). For those flying in, there is a free shuttle to and from the airport.

For 2023, the BAO will not be attached to Kublacon so we are able to expand our venue space and streamline the webcart. However, if you do wish to attend Kublacon after-hours, it is still taking place at the same time and located just down the street from us.

If you want to stay and get a discount, follow this link or click the header above.

Atlantic City Open 2023 Tickets Going Fast!

atlantic city open 2023They will have a ton of games, including Star Wars, Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Blood Bowl, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Kings of War, and Lord of the Rings! So, pretty much something for anyone.

The ACO is FLG’s Main Event on the East Coast. The gorgeous hall, luxurious casino resort, and the famous Atlantic City beachside boardwalk make this a weekend you will never forget!

The event will take place June 16th-18th, 2023, at Harrah’s Waterfront Conference Center AC, so there’s still time if you need to book a room (which you can get the special rate here), but if you live near Atlantic City, this is a no-brainer. 

You can grab your tickets to the event here.

Click Here To Get Your Tickets

If you’ve been itching to play in an event, well, then you want to go to this tournament! ACO 2023 will have all kinds of tournaments like 40k, AoS, MCP, Legion, Kill Team, and more. Things have been kicking into high gear lately, so don’t sit around and miss out, as the tickets are sure to sell out fast.

Games Workshop Warhammer Tournament Series for 2023

The tournament info comes from Warhammer Community.

GW shrinks its tournament Schedule 2023

So, this year they are cutting the tournaments by one, which might not seem crazy initially, but that’s a 20% decrease in events.

Also, they have a much more disparate spread of events this year, with the Southwest having no events. They cut out the California and New Mexico events, which means a large portion of the country will have to travel quite far now.

2023 US Open Warhammer Tournaments Series

US open Series 2023

US Open Kansas City 2023: Sheraton Crown Center, Kansas City, Missouri
2nd to 4th of June

We had a great time in Kansas City last October, and look forward to hosting another amazing tournament (with another amazing barbeque too!). This time, we’re also kicking the season off with an awesome Teams tournament for Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar, along with plenty of singles for Kill Team, Blood Bowl, and Narrative Play. 

US open Series 2023 2

US Open Tacoma 2023: Tacoma Convention Center, Tacoma, Washington
14th – 16th July
Just outside Seattle in nearby Tacoma, the Tacoma Convention Center boasts great facilities and enough space for a truly epic throwdown. With easy access to the gaming hall from the gorgeous next-door hotel Murano, it’s a quick journey to reach your gaming and hobby events.

US open Series 2023 3

US Open Tampa 2023: Tampa Convention Center, Tampa Bay, Florida
13th – 15th October
Nestled in the bay and right on the water, the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa Bay, Florida is an absolutely amazing venue for a US Open event. Easy to get to by plane or regionally by car, Tampa Bay is a cultural blend of amazing food, destination travel activities, and – of course – an incredible Warhammer Event!

US open Series 2023 4

Grand Narrative and the World Championships of Warhammer: Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, GA
16th – 19th November
Atlanta will be our host city this year for both the Grand Narrative and the first ever World Championships of Warhammer. The Hyatt Regency Atlanta boasts great restaurants, nearby entertainment, and easy access to all the Georgia peach pie and soul food you can get your hands on.

The 2022 Grand Narrative in New Mexico was a stunning, can’t-miss event for the ages. This year’s Grand Narrative is shaping up to be even better, with another incredible location. We’ll have more on the Grand Narrative Tournaments on Warhammer Community soon.

Qualifying World Championships of Warhammer Tournaments Announced!

The info comes from this Warhammer Community post.

Warhammer World Championships

The World Championships of Warhammer are coming. This is already shaping up to be an incredible finale featuring competitors from three dozen countries and over 300 qualifier events – and you can be one of them!

Events from Austria to Australia are already signed up, pitting Warhammer players from across the globe against each other to prove themselves the undisputed champions of their favourite games. 

More than 36 countries will be represented – and from five continents – making the inaugural year a truly global event! And if you’re a Warhammer fan Stateside, don’t forget you can aim to qualify for a place by taking part in the US Open, tickets for which go on sale TODAY. 

They have really expanded this from the first time they announced it, so there will be way more qualifiers and players than originally expected.

Warhammer World Championships 2

All told, over 300 qualified players across four game systems will be represented (at minimum!) at the first World Championships in Atlanta, Georgia in November. We couldn’t be more excited to welcome such a diverse international crowd to the finals. And many more applications for qualifier events are still under consideration as they roll in.

The World Championships represent the entirety of the Warhammer hobby. Players will qualify at certain events based on Best Overall criteria (inclusive of their painting and competitive scores), while others are focused more on pure generalship. 

During the first two days at the Finals, players will all compete in group stages akin to the World Cup, with the top eight players in each game system entering a Double Elimination event for Best General across the final two days. 

The other players will compete for awards including Best Overall and Best Painted, while every competitor can earn further glory for their continent and country in a Ryder Cup-style accumulation of points for wins, painting score, and country overall scoring.

It will be interesting to see a double-elimination style format and should make for a seriously interesting tournament!


Warhammer World Championships 3

These are all the USA ones so far, but there are over 300 already, so if you want to see everything, be sure to check out the WHC post. However, they are still looking for events, so if you’re running one, be sure to get in contact with them!

That does it for this one; get your spot locked in now!

Click Here To Reserve Your Spot for the BAO 2023!

Secure your spot for the Bay Area Open 2023- register now for all these amazing Warhammer and tabletop tournaments to show your mettle!

Will you attend any Games Workshop Events or US Open Warhammer Tournaments this summer? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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