Create your own excellent miniatures for D&D (or any other role-playing game), and get the latest releases from Hero Forge for May.
If you don’t know what Hero Forge is, it’s a way to build your own 3D miniatures for role-playing games and buy the STL file or a 3d printed version. It’s a fun program, if nothing else because making your minis in a web browser is fantastic.
There are options for fantasy, sci-fi, western, and everything in between. Lately, they have been coming out with new model releases every week!
Today we’ll look at their latest from this month so far, but keep checking back because they aren’t stopping the new miniature releases from the looks of it!
Decorated Shields: 5/9/2023
Through the chaos of battle, flashes of color are visible across the battlefield. This has led to using devices on shields to declare your identity or allegiances a time-honored tradition. Now, you can pick a side in the conflict with the Embossed Round Shield, Embossed Kite Shield, or Embossed Coffin Shield, or design your own using decals on the plain riveted versions.
Flowing Robes: 5/2/2023
Shimmering in the sunlight, these flowing robes hint at arcane energies and exude a sense of power. Aside from a sense of mystery, the comfortable fabric makes them perfect for any activity, from reading ancient tomes to exploring far-off mountain peaks. Why settle for the mundane? Don the Flowing Robes outfit in the Clothing menu.